SEC-S16 / W3 |" Your personal Care Products🧴🧼🪒"

in Healthy Steem7 months ago

Beauty Product.png

Assalm O Alaikum #healthySteem are you all?i am fine Alhumdulillah by the grace of am participant of SEC the topic about "Your personal Care Products "... i hope this post observe you all in great soul. Today I am exciting to participate in the where i will be sharing awarenes into my daily routene and sheding light on the importanse of personally care. Lets start challange..


What is your daily routine when you wake up, what products do you use and what function does each of them fulfill?


Every morning I encourages my day with a refresshing shower. The product I use play a criticall role in be sure a clean and refresh the experiense. I extend for a gentlle moisturising body wash not only to cleanser but also to maintains my skin. A specialy produces shampooo keeps my hair heallthy and energetics.

Do you consider that you take care of your personal hygiene? justify your answer.


Yes absolutely I ranges my personally hygienen. A harmoniouss routine of showring orall care and skincare helped me feel fresh and hopefull every day. Its a simple aditionally esential interest in my well being.

What is the cost on Steem of your hygiene products and how long will it take approximately to replenish them?

While I do not have absolutely Steem prices for my hygiene on products I focus on practical choices. Typicaly my well-selected product last a reasonablle time authorise for a sustainable routine without regullarly replenishmentss.

Do you think that to maintain good hygiene and/or appearance you need to spend a lot of money?

No the maintainning good hygiene and apearance does not require a lot of money. Thoughtfull choicess and a harmonious routine are key demonstrating that a statements friendlly aproach can be without moving on submit efectives are resullts.


My daily hygienes routinne is a blend of mindfull choicess and eficient practicass. By prioritising quality over the quantety I help to maintains a heallthy balanse in my personally cares procedure. Lets continnue sharied tipps and post on how we can enhanse our hygieness habbits without breaking the bank.At last am inviting my steemian fellows




Thank you for inviting me and good post sister

 6 months ago 

my pleasure..

 7 months ago 

Greetings friend,
Taking care of yourself and eating nutritious food is very important to maintain your good health and beauty. You take a shower in the morning to take care of yourself and use the products you need. Follow a good routine for self-care. Good luck to you.

 6 months ago 

thanks for your kind words and encouragement! I'm glad you recognize the importance of self-care and healthy habits. Your support means a lot to me. Have a wonderful day..

 7 months ago 

I saw your post and I like your post very much, you have done a very good job and you have put a throw of picture resource and you should have put your picture on it that's why your post. She looked more attractive and I hope she still wins the contest

 6 months ago 

thank you for your support and kind words I am glad you liked the post. Your feedback is valuable ..

It's great to see your dedication to maintaining personal hygiene through mindful choices and routines. Your emphasis on the importance of practicality and efficiency in hygiene products is commendable. Keep up the good work in prioritizing self-care and spreading awareness about the significance of personal hygiene!

 6 months ago 

thank you so much for your support and encouragement! I'm grateful that you recognize the importance of personal hygiene. I'll keep striving to promote self-care and hygiene awareness.

 7 months ago 

Kita harus menjaga kebersihan diri karena itu penting bagi kesehatan supaya kita tidak mudah sakit dan menjadi sarang kuman. Menggosok gigi, mandi dan melakukan perawatan kebersihan lainnya adalah beberapa rutinitas perawatan diri yang harus kita lakukan dan dibantu dengan bermacam produk - produk untuk menunjang penampilan.

Salam semoga anda sukses dalam kontesnya 👍

 6 months ago 

thanks for emphasizing the importance of personal hygiene.. Your support is greatly appreciated.

 7 months ago 

Hello @nooruleman ,hope your day is going well.Your morning routine to stay clean and fresh is great.Using gentle products during your shower is smart for feeling refreshed. Taking care of personal hygiene is important for feeling good each day. It's nice that you choose practical options for your hygiene products, so you don't have to buy them too often. Keeping up with good hygiene doesn't have to cost a lot of money,simple choices and a regular routine are what matter most. Keep sharing tips on how to stay clean and fresh without spending too much.🌸💞🤗🌺💖💐

 6 months ago 

thanks.. Your support means a lot. I'll keep the tips coming.

I also hope you will be fine. I like this post. You have made this post in a very good way and you have also written your daily hygiene which is very good and you are doing a good job.

 6 months ago 

Thank you so much for your kind word

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