Steemit Engagement Challenge / S11W4- "The experience of surgery or injury by accident".

in Healthy Steemlast year


Hello friends

Oh, this topic "injury by accident," reminds me a lot about my childhood. I would love to know what it reminds you also. Oh, bringing past experiences to the future might bring about emotions, but let's share as we learn.

Tell us what surgery have you or a family member or friends performed and why?

Injuryis any physical damage to the body caused by accident, cuts, weapon, violence, etc.

Surgery is a cutting into the body for the removal or readjustment, or repair of tissues and organs in the body system.

I have a cousin who went for fibroid surgery 8 years ago. You know fibroid appears when one is of childbearing, say between 30-40 years of age. But do you know what causes it? I am still not clear about the cause.

So my cousin booked an appointment for her surgery and called me to com toe stay with her during that period. This fibroid disturbed her so much and it also hindered her from getting pregnant, so she had to go in for the surgery.

Do you consider surgery the solution to a health problem?

I would say yes to this question because I see nothing wrong with it. Before any doctor gives the option of surgery, I think a whole lot of processes must have been done and no results from them.

Most surgery I witnessed were all successful and so fast. Most people hate the option of surgery due to the wrong informations they have been fed with.

Surgery is a solution to some health problems/ challenges and it's not a bad option if that serves as the last and only option.

Have you or a family member or friends suffered an accident that required sutures? Tell us how was it.


Oh yes, my late Aunt was a victim of an accident that caused very serious damage to her legs. She survived a fatal accident and was in the hospital for 6 months.

The minute the suture was to commence, she was given an injection that helped her slept off. She never knew when everything was done. She woke up and felt pain but the doctors administered some injections to her.

The suture went successfully, there were no issues or complications but my aunt stayed that long in the hospital because she was a diabetic patient. You know any wound on high sugar level patient must take so much time to heal. At last, she was able to walk with her legs again before she died.

When these events exist, which health center do you go to, or simply go to the home remedies, tell us which one you go to!

Well, any good and well-facilitated hospital is the health center anyone can go to receive appropriate medications, although in my country today, there are some health centers that have been abandoned for so many years.

We have so many dilapidated health centers around our neighborhood which the governments can fix to help so many who cannot afford the big hospitals. But, do you think there should be health centers for the rich and the poor? I think when it comes to health issues, we are equal.

Home remedies are not of bad option they are good if you are so sure of your remedies.

All images designed in canva

I invite @ruthjoe @sahmie @okere-blessing @eliany @mariami @princa @beautiful12

 last year 

Hello friend greetings to you.

Injuryis any physical damage to the body caused by accident, cuts, weapon, violence, etc.

Surgery is a cutting into the body for the removal or readjustment, or repair of tissues and organs in the body system.

You have beautifully defined surgery and injury in two short sentences. I am really afraid of surgery. I can even see the wound or suture.

Your post is awesome. Best wishes for the contest.

 last year 

Thank you friend


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