Contest: share blood, share life

in Healthy Steem9 months ago
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What is blood, and how can we replenish lost blood?

Blood is an essential fluid for life. There is no substitute for blood. This is beyond science, God himself made it so. If there is no blood, there is no blood except for donors who are a source of blood for patients in need of a transfusion. The blood consists of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

Loss of blood is very dangerous to life and loss of blood can occur through accident, donation, injury, childbirth, operation, etc... But it shouldn't be neglected, it should be attained immediately and to replenish lost blood, we have to;

•Take supplements, you need your doctor's prescription to know which supplement would be good for that particular event.

•Fruits and vegetables, eat enough fruits and vegetables to help pump your blood faster. Go for citrus fruits like Berries, Pineapple🍍, and Oranges 🍊 , which are rich in vitamin C, then Avocados 🥑, and Banana🍌which are rich in vitamin B-6. Green leafy vegetables are high in vitamins C and K, you wash and drink the water or cook half done.

•Diary foods, like milk, soya milk, yogurt, and cheese are dairy foods and they are good sources of blood.

•Eat enough fish and meat, these are sources of protein and can help faster to build blood. Red meat is preferable and fish should be fresh sea fish and not smoked dried fish.

Lastly, Take enough water, water completes the whole process.

What are the functions of blood in the human body?

The primary function of the blood is to distribute oxygen and nutrients to the body and remove waste from the body cells. Other specific functions include;


The nutrients from the foods we eat are absorbed in the digestive system. These nutrients go down to the bloodstream directly to the liver, where they are processed and transported back to the bloodstream to deliver to the body cells.

Do you know how oxygen works, the air we breathe in diffuses into the blood and moves through the lungs to the heart, the heart pumps it in circulation to the body. The blood also detects byproducts and waste transforms them to various organs for removal in form of urine, excretion,

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When there is a damage to the vessels through bleeding, blood platelets and some proteins dissolved in the plasma, come together to create clots that will block the affected areas of the blood vessels involved. This protects the body from further blood loss.

What do you understand by blood transfusion and is it a good thing?

A blood transfusion is a very simple procedure in which a donated blood is being administered to you through an intravenous (IV) line. A blood transfusion is given to replace the lost blood.

A blood transfusion can save a life. It is needed when there is lose of blood from accident, surgery, or other medical related issues.

The blood used for this transfusion comes from a donor who donates to the hospital to use, and such a person is been paid for the donation. And some of the time, it could come from a friend or family member because some persons would prefer a close related blood.

The donated blood are stored in a special medical bags until they are needed, but before they are transfused, the healthcare provider check the match between the donated blood and your blood group to be sure it matches before carrying out the process.

Blood transfusion is good, there are no much risk involved if the needful are done. It is better to save a life through it than to loose a life and save blood.

Share with us some benefits of blood transfusion.

•When blood are transfused, the patient is revived. The heart and brain receives oxygen from the body's red blood cells. For life to keep going, there must be oxygen in the body.

•A blood transfusion can prevent life-threatening complications from so much blood loss and preserve a patient’s life.

•A blood transfusion gives a patient another chance to life.

I invite @mariami @princa @mayepariata
 9 months ago 

Good entry friend. I wish you success.

 9 months ago 

Great you have discribed your words well .Best of luck for the contest.

Wow, nice write-up, oxygen is very important in the body system, and the bloods helps to transport it to the heart and other vital parts of the body

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