Power up again #club100 /Contest-week-10-powering-up-leads-you-to-winning

in Healthy Steem3 months ago

Hi, hello everyone, how are you? On this occasion I upgraded my account by powering up .

Screenshot_20240509-232006_Chrome.jpgand this is after I upgraded my account, I saw 10 steem already in #powerup

1.Below is the first one This is the second screen response image below
Screenshot_20240509-231534_Chrome.jpgSelect the steem in my wallet and I enter it for #powerup

2.. I've made improvements to the screen image below
Screenshot_20240509-231542_Chrome.jpgClick OK to continue

3.I have done this power up
Screenshot_20240509-232006_Chrome.jpgand this is after I upgraded my account, I saw 10 steem already in #powerup

So, those are some of my response photos that I have powered up and I plan to keep doing it again and again until I reach the target.I hope to get support so that my account becomes a market that can support other people

Link the contest:

 2 months ago 

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 2 months ago 

Power Up Process is that which is beneficial for both steeemit and User so we need to Power up gradually and constantly

So true. But if there is no support it takes a long time to grow

 2 months ago 

If you work support comming on Way

Thank You. I will continue to try to write posts so I can #powerup

 2 months ago 

Good Job Bro

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