Contest:**Breaking Bad Habits**

in Healthy Steem2 months ago
Hello 👋Healthy Steem
  • Iam going to taking part in this Community @Healthy Steem.The theme of the contest:Breaking Bad Habits. This contest organised by @sahmie .

I would like to invite @goodybest @stef1 @pea07

What are some bad habits that are hard to stop, and why is it tough to quit them?



  • Yes, every human being has some bad habits and some habits are such that it becomes very difficult to leave them, but they have strengthened their grip in life in such a way that it becomes very difficult to get out of them. He is a man who is prone to mistakes, he makes mistakes and then learns from them.I have seen many such bad habits in many people especially in the young generation.

I have many bad habits which I try to break but still it is difficult for me to break them.If we talk about these bad habits among the young generation, the ratio is very high, i.e. smoking, smoking, using drugs and drugs among boys.The young generation is then drugged in their body and they become addicted to it and there comes a time when they are forced to such an extent that they say we should not get anything to eat but We must be given what is our drunken time, only then they feel good.I myself have a very bad habit.

I eat Overshadowed too much. And I still eat it, that is, it is not just a matter of a person to leave such habits, he is forced by himself, he can end his life with these things, but about these things. I can't imagine him leaving them.

How can we tell if a habit is just a habit or if it's more like an addiction? And what can we do to break them?
  • Some habits are events such as making noise, teasing someone for no reason, laughing loudly, so these habits can be eliminated if someone explains it to us, we understand and the habit is eliminated. As far as addiction is concerned, it is very difficult to break the addiction because it has become such a part of our life that it becomes an impossible prescription to get rid of.



Addiction includes such bad habits as I said earlier that using drugs, loving someone unnecessarily, love is also included in an addiction. If we fall in love with someone, it is an addiction. We can't get rid of him, we can't get rid of him even if we want to.If you want to get rid of the bad habit from within, you have to be determined and strong with your heart.

They go to get rid of their bad habit, but as far as the use of drugs and drugs is concerned, there are many health centers that have been established for this, where they are treated and given good food. This thing fades away, but the addiction like love never fades away, we can never erase it even if we want to, it always lives inside us.

What are some challenges that people might face when trying to quit bad habits, and how can they overcome them?



  • It is not so easy to break any bad habit because a person is completely addicted to it, it is very difficult for him and he has to face many difficulties.But as far as I am concerned, we have to have the right intention to quit any habit. If we are strong and firm on our intention, we can also get rid of this bad habit.

We can't, but it is more stubborn to us why it forbids us when we ourselves feel that we are really doing wrong and it is a bad habit, then when we intend it from our heart that I must do it. If we want to eliminate it from within ourselves, we will definitely succeed in eliminating it within ourselves one day.I have elder brother he was addicted to cigarettes he used cigarettes for almost 25 years we all forbade him that it is a bad habit it can damage your lungs but he didn't quit and we used to drink .

One day he stopped telling them, then he realized this when he said to his heart that now I don't have to look at him, I don't have to smoke cigarettes, so when he went If his will became strong, then this habit ended from him. Now it has been two years and he has not even touched a cigarette. It all depends on us how we can control it and How do we eliminate it from within ourselves?

How can we support and encourage others to quit their bad habits without being judgmental or pushy?

If a young person has a habit of stealing or drunkenness or any other bad habits, then they should not be harsh but should be handled with love and should understand their psychology and guide them. A center should be established where they are given education and training to end this bad habit so that they also become good citizens and get a good position in this society.



Good food should be provided for them and they should be given complete treatment and if they have a habit of stealing, they should be disciplined with a teacher who will guide them and extra activities should be organized for them.

  • Since they have been engaged in their extra activities and they should not be attracted to bad habits like drunkenness or stealing, they should not be forced or beaten, they should be provided with facilities like internet so that they can use more of their own. Spend more time in these extra activities and stay safe from these bad habits.

Thanks to everyone for reading my post

 2 months ago 

I love the fact that you said that as every human has one thing that will be addicted to. You are right. I wish you goodluck in your entry

 2 months ago 

It's true that it is difficult to break out from bad habits, these bad habits when it stays in people, it becomes and addiction.

Nice content, best wishes in the contest.

 2 months ago 

We are prone to make mistakes and therefore it is normal that we become accustomed to routines or habits that do not make us well, some do it by peer pressure or curiosity and then becomes something routine that is difficult to leave, such as smoking, drinking alcohol and in milder cases spend much time in the networks where it is hard to leave.

Greetings @mona01 very good publication

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