Contest !! || Self care

in Healthy Steem9 months ago


Last year there was a time I decided not to go online on one particular days, and it was Thursday, every thursday I don't have any business to do online. in another circumstances I always like to check on my friends and my family members every week especially on Sunday afternoon. why am I saying all this? Because that is exactly the moment I felt filled up and I try as much as possible to prioritize it in my life. In other word, we can called it self-care.

Now let go back to the definition of self-care. When we talk about self-care, it's not just about having a bath, looking good and so on but its about finding something that fills you up and those things that makes you feel whole, and making sure you prioritize them in your life. In another way, we can say self-care is about nurturing yourself so that you can show up fully for others.

What are the importance of self-care? will you like to know how I practice self-care? Have you every come across this statement: self-care is selfish? If so, follow me as I begin with explaining the importance of self-care.



  • One of the important of practicing self-care is that it's good for mental and emotional well-being.That's to say, if we don't take time to care for ourselves, we can become stressed, anxious and even overwhelmed which result in being exhausted, and even physical illness.

  • Self-care is also important to our relationship with others.What do you think will happen if we don't take care of ourselves? we can't be the best partner, friend, or family member that we can be. You can't give what you don't have. So it's explain that we need to make sure our own cup is been filled so that we have something to give to others.


In my own Self-care, I find this following tips interesting to prioritize:

  • I try as much as possible to make time for self-care everyday.Its doesn't matter how Long it's can be but that little hour or minute can make a big difference.


  • Another tips is doing something I enjoy. To me, I enjoy being with friends, chatting and gisting, so I try as much as possible to schedule some time for activities that bring me joy and fulfillment.


  • Getting enough sleeping is something that's very hard for me because at night is the only chances I have to browse or do anything to myself. But when I come to know about self-care, I started an habit of having enough sleep because is good for my physical and mental health.

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  • Eating healthy food to nourish my body and drinking enough water is one of the ways to care for myself. So I try as much as possible to make sure my food is healthy with balance diets and also staying hydrated.

There's one popular saying "you can't pour from an empty cup" what doest that means? in my own understanding, it's means that you can't offer people what you don't have. the same thing applies to self-care, it's not selfish because we need to fulfilled our own need first so that we can be able to help others. When we care for ourselves, we're actually giving ourselves the tools we need to be able to care for others. So you can see that It's not selfish to take time for yourself, it's necessary because if we don't make time for self-care, we can end up feeling depleted and resentful, even physical illness.

We have come to end of today's contest, what have you learned so far:

  • self care is necessary because is good for mental health and emotional well-being
  • Eating healthy food, drinking enough water, having enough sleep and doing activities you enjoy are the common tip to care for yourself.
  • self-care is not selfish because we need to filled up our own happiness so can we know a way to help others too. Remember the saying " you can't pour from an empty cup". See you guys in my next contest, here is the contest link

I will like to invite @boosj23 #wakeupkitty @patjewell @goodybest @danish578 @tripple-e @anjinoor @humairaarshad @ yokondap @uduak3287 @emmyjnr @harferri @benson6 and @sahmie to participate. in this contest.

Publish by @mhizta

Cc: @khursheedanwar

Thank you everyone, my regards💓


Self-care is not as hard as people is seeing it to be. Personally, I would say Self care can be as simple as taking 10 minutes each day to do something that nourishes our bodies or minds. It's about making choices that supports our over all well-being.
It's something we have choosen to do and make time for no matter how tight our schedule may be. It is also very important to know that Self-care is an ongoing process, not a one-time event. It does not end as far as we live. when we make self care a priority, we'll be happier and healthier and life in general becomes smooth.

Good luck

You're right, that's why we should try as much as possible to make it our priority. Thank you for your valuable comment.


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