Steemit Engagement Challenge / S11W2 - “The worst enemy, sugar.

in Healthy Steem10 months ago (edited)

Hey, my Steemit family! I've been thinking about our current engagement challenge, and boy, isn't it a thought-provoker? The villain here is sugar – the granulated sweetness that has us all ensnared in its delicious trap.

Before we make a plunge, we should do a little thoughtfulness.
What is my daily consumption of sugar? A little sprinkle on my morning grain, a teaspoon in my lunch espresso, a pop or treat for a midday jolt of energy, and a scoop of frozen yogurt after supper. It seems like little when you separate it. But the scary part is all those innocent teaspoons add up alarmingly, far exceeding the recommended daily sugar intake.
Presently, you might ask, is that an issue? Who detests a little pleasantness in their life?

Let me recount to you a story. It's about my beloved Grandpa Sef. He was a self-proclaimed sugar-holic – no dessert was too sweet or candy too sugary for him. Then, the reality check came when he was diagnosed with diabetes. Watching him battle this illness, his daily life drastically changing, was heartbreaking. Grandpa Sef's struggle was my wake-up call. It's made me reconsider my relationship with sugar.

I'll admit I've also had my battle with sugar. A few years back, I constantly felt sluggish, consistently low on energy, despite indulging in all those sugary 'energy' drinks. It took a frank conversation with my doctor to acknowledge that I was managing the effects of a lot of sugar. Shocked and determined, I decided to change. I started reducing my sugar intake and noticed the difference almost immediately. I felt healthier, more energetic, and simply better overall.

Thinking of sugar as the worst enemy can seem dramatic, right? However, seeing the effect on our health and the existence of our friends and family doesn't appear so fantastical. Sugar, particularly in abundance, can prompt serious health issues, from weight to coronary illness, also diabetes.

It's not all despair. Sugar isn't awful fundamentally - we should be aware of the amount we consume. We should know the sugars in foods grown from the ground. That is excellent stuff. We should watch for the additional sugars in handled food sources, drinks, and sweet treats.

Our physical as well mental health have the impacts of sugar intake. High sugar admission can prompt sadness, uneasiness, and other psychological well-being issues. Our focus on health and wellness should extend beyond just waistlines. We need to prioritize our overall well-being.

Thus, dear companions, we should involve this test as a snapshot of enlivening. We should become mindful of our relationship with sugar, figure out how to utilize it astutely, and not let it rule our health. Sugar ought to be essential for our lives, not controlling them. We should move toward a healthier future together. We're in the same boat, and we can have an effect!

So here's to excellent health and bliss! We're more grounded than sugar. The best things in life don't necessarily suggest a flavor like sugar, right?


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Hello! Your blog post about sugar consumption is very insightful and relatable. It's true that many of us underestimate how much sugar we consume daily, and your personal story about your grandfather and your own experience with sugar highlights the importance of being mindful of our sugar intake. It's inspiring to see how you made positive changes to improve your health and energy levels. You're absolutely right that sugar can have a significant impact on our physical and mental health, and it's crucial to find a balance in our relationship with sugar. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and encouraging others to prioritize their well-being. Let's all work towards a healthier future together! 🍏🥦🏋️‍♂️


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Curated by : <@wilmer1988>

 10 months ago 

Saludos amiga.

Así es, debemos cuidarnos muchísimo, la salud no debemos ponerla en riesgo con el consumo desmedido del azúcar, Porque aunque necesaria podría ser muy perjudicial para la salud.

Muchas gracias por la invitación y te deseo la mayor de las suertes con tu participación.



Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator07. Good post here should be..


Curated by : @wilmer1988

 10 months ago 

Hello friend greetings to you. Hope you are doing well and good.

Your sugar intake is something normal. Try to keep it as minimum as possible. Your grandpa was having diabetes. My grandma also has this fatal disease and she is fighting it from the last 25 years.

It's nice to read your post. Best wishes for the contest.

This post has been upvoted through Steemcurator09.

Team Newcomer- Curation Guidelines For August 2023
Curated by - @yousafharoonkhan


we should be aware of the amount we consume.

My dear you are saying the truth. Sugar is meant for children not an adults. For the invitation @meraki7578.

 10 months ago 

¡Saludos amiga!🤗

Nuestra prioridad siempre debe ser la salud porque, con ella es que realmente podemos lograr todo y, si no queremos vernos comprometidos, es de vital importancia que no consumamos nada de manera excesiva.

El azúcar, es un ingrediente que nuestro organismo necesita pero, su consumo debe ser supervisado e incluso, nivelado ya que, cuando nos pasamos de lo reglamentario, todo se nos va de las manos.

Excelente publicación amiga, un fuerte abrazo💚

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