Contest: a perfect view

in Healthy Steem8 months ago
Assalamualaikum Everyone !

How are you all ? Wishing for a good healthy life for all of you.Today here I'm to write about a catchy topic related to eyes. The topic is "A perfect view" included in a contest held by @dexsyluz


Thumbnail created on Canva


Story of our vision

The universe is all about colors and light. So let me tell you a story about the journey of light and its transformation into colors. Light from visible region enters the eye through cornea the transparent layer in front of eye ball. Pupil is next to cornea and this is a security guard which specifies the amount of entering light.

Then came the lense of eye, lense is guide for the light .Lense bends the light to focus it on retina. Light bend twice here one when light enter to lense and next when it leaves the lense and enter to retina so the image formed is upside down. Image received in form electrical signal. Optical nerves send this information to the brain management director of the whole body. The Brain translates these signals into a right direction image which we see inform of different colours intensities in a frame.


Vision 20/20

Vision 20/ 20 is a phrase used to show the sharpness and clarity of vision at a distance of 20 feet. A person with an accurate vision ability at 20 feet has 20/20 vision.


Image edited on canva

Actually, ophthalmologists used this term as reference in comparison with the patient's eye vision. This phrase is common in America and many other countries, but in Pakistan ophthalmologists used the term vision 6/6 instead of vision20/20. It is the same thing, but at a reference distance of 6 meters.


Did you inherit any visual disease?

I have no exact ideal about an inherited problem with eyes in my family. All my three sisters are suffering from a swear weakness in eyesight.I also have a little week eyesight.

But there is no problem with the eyesight of my parents, grandparents and even in all of my uncles and aunts. Maybe there is some recessive gene present in our DNA which suddenly appears in all my sisters or maybe this is because of carelessness.. Yet DNA sequence determination is not performed in my city. Whenever there is a possibility for DNA sequencing, we'll go for it and find if there is any recessive gene present or not.


Have you ever worn glasses?

In my childhood, like all other children, I thought wearing glasses was quite fun. It looked pretty good to me. But when I was subjected to a problem with my vision in my high school, what a worse experience that was for me. I found it very irritating to see glasses and all areas of my face from nose to earlobes were itching all the time. It was like a view through hell. I had just a little unclear view of the board in the class room, so I went for my ophthalmologists to do something with it. He recommended some tonics and a good diet plane to control my vision at a point.
So many years later, by the grace of God, my vision is still at 0.25. I have no need to wear glasses in my daily routine.


Picture is taken by my phone

But I used it a little bit while using the screen or when I attended a lecture during which they show some visual effects from a distance. Not the glasses but even contact lenses did not suit me. When I wear contact lenses, it feels like somebody puts garbage of the whole world in my eyes. It was a lethal experience with my eyes.When I got rid of glasses, that was a fortunate part of my life. I thought that I just touched hell and come back from their....

This was a time when I realized that how much eyesight is valuable for us. Nothing can replace of this jewel of nature.


Finally I like to invite
@salmarani1994 to participate in this contest.


Thanks a lot for reading.

Take care of your eyes

With best wishes @mehwish-almas


 8 months ago 

Hola amigo,

Realmente tienes razón, puede haber algo en tu ADN que haya causado algo en tu cornea. Pero no solo podemos suponer eso, ya que el uso de las pantallas y la radiación solar puede provocar que la vista sea deteriorada

gracias por compartir con nosotros
Dios te bendiga

 8 months ago 

Thanks for your valuable reply. God bless you too.

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