"Clean & Shine: The Health and Hygiene Showdown! (2) "

in Healthy Steem9 months ago
Assalamualaikum Everyone!

Wishing you a good, healthy and happy life. Today I'm going to share my understanding of hygiene and its importance with you all. So welcome to my blog. I'm writing this blog to participate in the a contest held by @aaliarubab.


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What is hygiene?

I think hygiene is a continuous practice of a bunch of habits which help us to maintain our health and prevent us from diseases. Hygiene is much broader than cleanliness.

We can refer to hygiene as a lifestyle which ensures our health. Hygiene includes taking a shower, washing clothes, trimming our nails, cleanliness of home, workplace, kitchen etc.

On this basis, we can divide hygiene into various types like

  • Medical Hygiene.
  • Hygiene of food
  • Hygiene of home
  • Personal Hygiene.
Through adopting hygienic habits, we can break the chain of transferring of micro organisms like bacteria and viruses which cause diseases. All types of hygiene which are mentioned above have proper rules and regulations to keep ourselves safe from diseases. Like in medical hygiene, infected people must be separated from healthy ones. Medical waste should be properly treated. In case of food hygiene, food must be properly washed, cooked and preserved (optional) in a very clean environment and kitchen, cutting tools, cooking utensils. Home hygiene includes cleanliness of all surfaces with a cleaning agent, cleaning of restrooms, washing of clothes etc.


Importace of hygiene!

Health should always be our first and foremost priority in life. A person who takes good care of himself is in a better state of mental and physical health. Hygiene makes a person more confident and fresh.

Hygiene plays a key role in socializing. A person with proper hygiene is more opt for social gatherings because people feel more comfortable with such a person. The major factor due to which hygiene is essential for human beings is to prevent diseases from spreading due to germs.


Some important points to maintain hygiene

There are a number of crucial steps which must be taken care of in order to maintain good Hygiene.

    🔵 Taking a shower on a regular basis is the most important way to maintain our health. Shower removes all dirt, dist, germs and body secretions like sweat, oil, sebum. It is refreshing to take a bath on a daily basis.

    🔵Triming nails is essential because if we do not properly clean our nails, these become home of germs

    🔵 Hygiene of our respiratory organs must be carried out properly. Masks to cover mouth and nose become essential after covid-19 era

    🔵 Proper flossing and brushing must be done on a regular basis. Because our mouth is one of the major sources of diseases

    🔵Laundry with a good cleaning detergent is necessary because clothes face the environment directly and absorb a good deal of dirt in them

    🔵Maintenance of clean surrounding environment via cleaning surfaces, dusting and removing germs with a good germ killer agent.

    🔵Regular tests and check ups help to maintain good health because this procedure predicts even some upcoming diseases. So we can easily tackle and handle these loop holes in health maintenance.

    🔵 Washing hands with a suitable hand is key to avoiding germs which can cause diseases.


Cleanliness is next to godliness

This is a famous phrase related to the Bible and some other religions. The meaning of this phrase is to maintain cleanliness of ourselves and our surroundings are our spiritual and moral duty. A person when maintaining hygiene also fulfills the noble cause of his moral duty. Maintaince of cleanliness makes a person spiritually more peaceful because it sets a mental state. The maintenance of hygiene prevents us from pathogens which not only spread diseases but have bad energy. A tidy environment is heavy on nerves and can destroy mental peace. My religion puts a great emphasis on cleanliness. One most famous saying of our beloved Prophet is


         ❤️الطُّهُورُ شَطْرُ الإِيْمَانِ❤️

Translation : Cleanliness is half of faith( iman)


Such a powerful recommendation shows the importance of hygiene in Islam.


Now I like to invite @mina12 ,@chiomzy810 and @shahid76 to participate in this contest.

Thanks for reading.
With best wishes @mehwish-almas

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 9 months ago 

Thank you so much for your support. Respect for you mam.

Hygiene is something that no one should joke with. It's importance is just like life itself. This is because after life is given, hygiene must maintain it. Awesome post

 9 months ago 

Thanks a lot for this beautiful complement.

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