HS Contest 2 - You And Your Health

in Healthy Steem9 months ago (edited)


Good day to everyone over here in Healthy Steem, welcome to my blog, today in this contest, I will be sharing my view on Obesity just as the contest demand as well as sharing the ways which we can prevent it. Please stay with me, I promise you won't regret.

What Do You Think About Obesity?


To me, I see Obesity to be a disorder which is caused by excessive accumulation of fat in the system. When this fat accumulates to certain extent, it weakens the body, makes the victim to experience serious body weakness. This disorder can go as far as killing it victim if not managed properly.

Obesity happen mostly when the victim takes in too much calories and fat. This is the easiest way to be obsessed. Obesity is to dangerous that if not prevented, the fat accumulated can overtime block the flow of blood in the artery and veins even the lungs thereby leaving the victim with the risk of havig a cardiac arrest or difficulty in breathing which may later lead to death of the victim of not properly managed.

Can You Tell Us 3 Things That Cause Obesity?


There are several causes of obesity, but for the sake of this contest, I will be sharing few of them;

• Taking in too much calories

• Too much intake of alcohol such as beer

• Not Participating in any form of exercise

• Taking too much food that contains fat

• Eating beverages that contains yeast

• Eating late at night

• Consuming too much starchy food

What Are The Best Ways To Prevent Obesity?


There are so many things we fail to do because we don't pay much attention to our health, on the long run, it will metamorphose to something serious, obesity not exclusive. Let me share some tips to prevent obesity;

• Limit the intake of burger

• The intake of too much sugar should be minimized.

• Avoid intake of alcohol such as beer

• Engage in exercises both indoor and outdoor.

• Food containing calories should be taken once a blue moon

• Limit the intake of meat

• Eat more of vegetables and fruit.

These and many more are ways we can prevent obesity.

I want to invite @wirngo, @emily08 and @etette to participate in this contest.

Thanks for reading

 9 months ago 

Eating less carbohydrates can also help prevent obosity. I like your points. Good luck to you.

Have actually learnt alot about obesity!!
All thanks to you and Good luck in this contest.

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