The Diary Game ( 8-5-2024) || My health is very bad due to extreme heat in Pakistan 😰

in Healthy Steemlast month
Hellow my sweet Steemian FELLOWS aslam-o-alaikum. HOPEFULLY everyone will be fine anjoy your beautiful life. 😍💓


Aslam-o-alaikum I am Maryam Nadeem from Lahore #pakistan. Come once again to share my diary with you guys. Today I thought I should tell my friends about my diary that I am very sick because it is very hot in Pakistan. It's been almost five days now and it's not dropping below 42° degrees. 😰😭. So lets start my diary.

When I woke up, my heart was pounding and I felt like my blood pressure was going down. I drank cold water as soon as I woke up, and after drinking water, I made curd lassi for myself. After making the lassi, I started to feel a little sick, so I sat quietly for a while, then I prepared breakfast for myself and my children, because I was very hungry and during pregnancy, I needed to eat from time to time. So the doctor said because I am very lazy to eat so to keep my healthy diet I make breakfast early and on time.


I really wanted to have a light breakfast. I can't have a heavy breakfast because I feel sick, so I made myself some sandwiches and a small cup of tea because I also have a headache. I was separated due to low blood pressure. After breakfast I remembered that I had to finish the housework and my health was not looking good that's why my body was hurting so I thought that if I don't do any work today I will stay for a while. I was sitting for that suddenly my heart started to panic again. 😰

And now I was sweating slowly, I called my husband and told him that my health is getting worse due to the heat. But let me tell you that I am pregnant and a pregnant woman feels very hot because I am using medicines.

And my room is also in the third portion of the house, in which the room gets very hot due to more sunlight, the fan air is also very hot and I am not able to afford such for myself due to the problems of my house. Because my husband's income is low due to which I am not able to buy AC for myself. 😰

Then my husband came back home and he saw that my condition was deteriorating so he arranged for an Uber and he took me to the hospital. Because I was not in the condition to go on a bike, if I had gone on a bike, some accident would have happened. For this reason, we had to Uber Ride for us.

Then we reached the hospital and they took me to the emergency room. The doctor said that due to the heat, the baby's heart rate has decreased and his hard bed is also very weak, due to which my body was very weak and I had to apply the drip immediately.

The doctor also told that due to the intensity of the heat, his blood pressure has dropped quite low and due to which the health of the child is also having a bad effect. I was kept in the hospital for about two to three hours and my treatment continued due to which I was very worried that may Allah give me health. 😰

My sister had come to me in the hospital because my sister loves me a lot so she stays with me every time whenever I am admitted in the hospital due to any illness my sister holds my hand and takes my picture. So he shared it with me otherwise I would have had no idea that I could take a picture during my drip.

Then after that we came back home and my husband brought me some fruits etc. I ate some of them and I felt better and still I was resting. It was so hot today and it has been so hot for almost two days in different cities of our Pakistan.

In this screenshot, you can see how hot it is in different cities of Pakistan, but when I took out the weather update of my city Lahore, it was about 42° degrees and it will be hotter tomorrow and it will be the same until Friday. After that, may Allah make the weather better. I pray that Allah may have mercy on his poor servants, because those who cannot afford AC in their homes due to low of resources, may Allah have mercy on them. Ameeen. 😰😭

I want special dua to be made for me, my dear friends, pray for me, may Allah give me health.Thanks 💕

Best Regards 😍

Maryam Nadeem


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