Contest !! ||AIDS awareness

in Healthy Steemlast month
Hellow my sweet Steemian FELLOWS aslam-o-alaikum. HOPEFULLY everyone will be fine anjoy your beautiful life. 😍💓



Hi I am Maryam Nadeem from Lahore #pakistan. Come once again to join an amazing contest which is the titel is AIDS awareness. Hope so you guys like my opinion. So lets start. 😊

What do you know about AIDS causes?

AIDS (Helps) is a mind boggling condition brought about by the Human Immunodeficiency Infection (HIV). While HIV is the essential guilty party behind Helps, its causes are multi-layered and stretch out past the presence of the actual infection. Understanding the reasons for Helps includes diving into the virology, the study of disease transmission, and socio-social perspectives encompassing HIV transmission and movement to Helps.

At its center, HIV is sent through specific natural liquids, including blood, semen, vaginal liquids, and bosom milk. Unprotected sex, sharing debased needles, and from mother to kid during pregnancy, labor, or breastfeeding are the essential methods of transmission. Nonetheless, the gamble of transmission can be moderated through measures, for example, condom use, needle trade programs, and antiretroviral treatment (Workmanship) during pregnancy and labor.

When HIV enters the body, it targets CD4 cells, a sort of white platelet urgent for the insusceptible framework's legitimate working. HIV captures these cells, recreating inside them and slowly draining the body's resistant guards. As the infection repeats and spreads, the insusceptible framework debilitates, leaving the individual powerless to pioneering contaminations and malignant growths that portray Helps.

Past the natural instruments, a few socio-social variables add to the spread and effect of HIV/Helps. Shame, separation, and absence of admittance to medical care administrations impede avoidance endeavors and deter people from looking for testing and therapy. Financial incongruities, including destitution and absence of instruction, can worsen weakness to HIV contamination and limit admittance to fundamental assets for anticipation and treatment.

Forestalling and overseeing Helps requires a multi-layered approach that addresses both the organic and socio-social elements of the illness. This incorporates far reaching sex schooling, admittance to reasonable medical services, advancement of safe sex rehearses, hurt decrease techniques for drug clients, and fighting disgrace and oppression individuals living with HIV/Helps.

In rundown, Helps is brought about by HIV, an infection that debilitates the resistant framework by focusing on CD4 cells. The spread of HIV is impacted by different variables, including sexual ways of behaving, infusion drug use, and vertical transmission from mother to youngster. Tending to the Guides scourge requires thorough systems that envelop both biomedical mediations and endeavors to address social determinants of wellbeing.

What do you know about AIDS treatment?

Treatment for AIDS (Helps) fundamentally rotates around overseeing Human Immunodeficiency Infection (HIV) contamination to forestall illness movement, draw out future, and work on personal satisfaction. The foundation of Helps treatment is antiretroviral treatment (Craftsmanship), a blend of drugs that smother HIV replication, diminish viral burden, and reestablish insusceptible capability. Workmanship normally includes a routine of at least three antiretroviral drugs from various classes, which target different phases of the HIV life cycle.

Viable Craftsmanship not just further develops the wellbeing results of people living with HIV yet in addition diminishes the gamble of HIV transmission to other people. Early inception of Workmanship, ideally at the earliest opportunity after HIV determination, is prescribed to accomplish ideal results. Moreover, adherence to Craftsmanship is basic to keeping up with viral concealment and forestalling the advancement of medication obstruction.



Notwithstanding Craftsmanship, overseeing artful diseases and different Guides related complexities is fundamental. This might include prophylactic treatment to forestall contaminations, inoculations, and brief treatment of any diseases or ailments that emerge.

Normal checking of viral burden, CD4 cell count, and by and large wellbeing status assists medical services suppliers with evaluating therapy adequacy and change treatment on a case by case basis. With progressing headways in HIV exploration and treatment, the visualization for people living with Helps keeps on improving, considering longer and better lives.

What do you know about itAIDS preventive measures?

Forestalling the transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Infection (HIV) and hence AIDS (Helps) includes a diverse methodology incorporating schooling, conduct intercessions, biomedical systems, and underlying mediations. Advancing mindfulness and comprehension of HIV transmission modes and chance elements is essential. Far reaching sex schooling, including data about more secure sex practices, for example, condom use and the significance of ordinary HIV testing, assumes an essential part in counteraction endeavors.

Admittance to sterile infusing gear for individuals who infuse drugs, alongside hurt decrease programs, lessens the gamble of HIV transmission among this populace. Offering pre-openness prophylaxis (PrEP) to people at high gamble of HIV, for example, serodiscordant couples or people participating in condomless sex with numerous accomplices, has demonstrated powerful in forestalling HIV obtaining.

Guaranteeing admittance to willful HIV testing and guiding administrations empowers early recognition of disease, empowering people to start treatment expeditiously and lessen the gamble of transmission to other people. Moreover, advancing the privileges and nobility of individuals living with HIV/Helps and fighting disgrace and segregation are fundamental parts of counteraction endeavors, as they urge people to look for testing, treatment, and backing unafraid of judgment or shunning. A blend of these preventive measures custom-made to explicit populaces and settings is vital to really controling the spread of HIV/Helps.

I World like to invite my friends to take part @drhira @uzma4882 @rumaisha.
Thanks 💕
 last month 

This antiretroviral treatment is interesting because it can be applied in the form of injections or pills, and must be done constantly to have good results and a good control of this disease.

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