Steemit Engagement Challenge / S11W2 - “The worst enemy, sugar."

in Healthy Steemlast year (edited)

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The Worst Enemy; Sugar.

Sugar is one of the most controversial member of the carbohydrates family of food nutrients, it's sweet to taste, sugar comes in a wide variety including Glucose, Fructose, Galactose, Lactose, Maltose and Sucrose.
These forms of sugar are most commonly known as white sugar in cubes, powdered or granulated form. We have brown sugar, Liquid sugar and a little lot more.

👩⚕️ Do you know how much sugar you consume per day?

I can not really tell how much sugar I am consuming per day. I have an average daily intake of 4 cubes of suger but can not tell how much suger I ingest in other forms of food like rice or garri or yam or fufu and soup which I will definitely add one of this to the 4 cubes I got in the morning. I may get a bottle of Pepsi and later a bar of snicker and end the day with a heavy smoothie consisting of banana or mango, pineapple, and apple.

photostudio_1691047238137.jpg captures by @manuelhooks using Nokia C30

I can't truly tell how much sugar is in all of that but am sure it's plenty of suger in different forms.

👩⚕️ Do you have a family member who has problems with diabetes?

I lost one of my paternal cousin to diabetes, even when she was diagnosed with diabetes, much energy/ resources was spent looking for who caused it instead of managing the condition.

👩⚕️ Have you had a problem with sugar?

No, not for now and I hope not in the future because I have a sweet tooth and my system is able to metabolize it well for now and I hope it keeps up as I grow older or outgrow the habit.

👩⚕️ What do you think about sugar as the worst enemy?

Our relationship with sugar is a complicated relationship, our body needs suger so much that we don't have any mechanism to expell excess sugar. Unlike salt that can be expelled in sweat, sugar is in high demand but when our body is unable to absorb the sugar it gets from our food, the sugar we so much needed becomes a serious problem.

The problem with sugar is worst when there is ignorance in the picture. Some people will not put a cube of sugar in their tea but will consume huge amount or fufu and wash it down with some beer. The only test for sugar they know is it's sweet taste.

Only avoiding the sugar called sugar is resulting in us loosing the battle against this friend turn enemy called sugar.

will love the following Steemians to participate in this contest @bela90 @oasiskp @udyliciouz

Media Credit
Graphics fromPixabay
Edited withPhotoStudio App

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#healthysteem-s11w2 #steemexclusive
#steemelectric #burnsteem25
#club100 #nigeria #sugar

 last year 

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 last year 

The key to healthier lifestyle is eating sugar in moderation, because too much of it causes so many incurable sicknesses. I'm sorry about the lost of your cousin, so I learnt that the diabetes is expensive to manage. Success!

 last year 

Thanks for the advice on moderation, I will try to check my sugar intake, making sure it's moderate.

 last year 

¡Saludos amigo!🤗

Cuidar de nuestra salud tiene que ser prioridad para nosotros porque, de ello depende que nos mantengamos saludables.

Sin duda, el azúcar cuando no se consume en el nivel adecuado, desarrolla la enfermedad de la diabetes y, ella es muy agresiva e independientemente del tipo, si no se controla, se puede perder incluso la vida.

Excelente publicación. Un fuerte abrazo💚

 last year 

Estoy completamente de acuerdo contigo en que "si no se controla, se puede perder incluso la vida." la buena salud es la verdadera riqueza.
gracias por apreciar mi post y por apoyar con tu voto.

 last year 

Lamento mucho lo de su prima. La diabetes es terrible y cuando no se controla acaba con nuestras vidas.

Es difícil saber cuanto consumimos en azúcares pero podemos controlar su consumo adoptando hábitos más saludables. Le deseo éxito en el desafío 👍

Muchas gracias por compartir¡Feliz tarde! 🙏

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