"Clean & Shine: The Health and Hygiene Showdown! (2) "

in Healthy Steem9 months ago

Have a good day my dear friends

I'm really happy @aaliarubab to have a contest on such a health related topic. So I participated in this competition today with great enthusiasm and willingness. Why is health the most valuable resource we all have. The health of today's society has deteriorated to some extent in a very sad way. So by holding a contest like this, I will share the most valuable ideas with you.


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01) What is hygiene and why is it important to one's health?

Hygiene is a set of practices performed to protect health. According to the World Health Organization, hygiene helps to maintain health and prevent the spread of disease and health disorders. Personal hygiene can be grouped into several hygiene activities that help people maintain the cleanliness of their bodies. They are,

  1. Home and daily hygiene
  2. Laundry hygiene
  3. Home food hygiene
  4. Personal hygiene
  5. Sleep hygiene
  6. Medical hygiene
  7. Food hygiene
  8. Home hygiene includes hand washing
  9. Kitchen hygiene
  10. Bathroom hygiene


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Many people equate hygiene with cleanliness. But hygiene is a broad term. It includes personal habit choices such as showering, washing hands, cutting nails and washing clothes. It also includes focusing on keeping surfaces in the home and workplace clean, including bathroom facilities. Observance of regular hygiene is often considered socially responsible and respectable behavior, while neglecting proper hygiene is considered impure. And we should take care of our own hygiene.

Personal hygiene represents the first line of defense against disease. Regular bathing helps remove sweat, bacteria and dead skin cells from the surface of the body, reducing the risk of skin conditions and unpleasant odors. Hand washing, especially before a meal and after using the restroom, is a basic practice to prevent the transmission of pathogens. Keeping nails trimmed and clean prevents the accumulation of dirt and germs that can easily be transferred to the mouth or other body parts. Proper care of clothing by washing and changing regularly not only improves cleanliness but also improves personal comfort and confidence.

Hygiene is important to one's health because it helps prevent the spread of harmful microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses that can cause disease. Good hygiene practices, such as regular hand washing and proper food handling, greatly reduce the risk of infection. Maintaining personal hygiene promotes overall well-being as it can prevent problems such as skin infections, body infections and dental problems. It is very important for people.

02) List and explain ways to keep good hygiene

Maintaining good hygiene is more than just looking good. Proper hygiene is key to a healthy lifestyle. We can prevent diseases by taking care of our body regularly. Following are simple habits and hygiene practices that keep us clean every day.

Your home makes it easier for you to maintain a high standard of personal hygiene, but we often find ourselves procrastinating on hygiene issues when we are at home. But we can improve our health by doing our hygiene properly.

Wash your hands frequently


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Hand washing is also known as hand hygiene. The act of cleaning hands with soap or hand sanitizer and water to remove viruses/bacteria/microorganisms, dirt, grease or other harmful and unwanted substances. Drying washed hands is part of the process as wet and damp hands are more easily re-contaminated. Hand hygiene is very important to prevent the spread of infectious diseases at home and in everyday life.

Also, wash your hands thoroughly (your hands, backs of hands, fingers, between fingers, fingernails, and even wrists) for 30 seconds with soap and water, then dry thoroughly.

Maintain oral hygiene practices


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Brushing is an important part of the dental care routine. Brushing your teeth is necessary for a healthy mouth and smile.

Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled brush. The size and shape of your brush should be chosen to fit the mouth. Replace your toothbrush every three to four months. Or cleaning your teeth with a toothbrush with broken bristles will not do a good job.

Covering Coughing and Sneezing


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Covering coughs and sneezes can help prevent the spread of serious respiratory illnesses such as influenza, respiratory viruses, whooping cough, and COVID-19.

Wear Clean Clothes

Take Care of Your Nails


Foot Care

Floss Your Teeth Daily

Get Restful Sleep

03) What do you understand by the phrase "Cleanliness is next to Godliness"

The phrase "cleanliness is next to godliness" is a proverb that emphasizes the importance of maintaining personal and environmental cleanliness as a good and spiritually significant act. It also suggests that being clean and pure in both body and surroundings is closely linked to one's moral and spiritual well-being. Keeping the body clean through hygiene not only promotes physical health, but also contributes to a sense of self-respect and pride. When people take care of their bodies, they are interested in the life and health they have received in accordance with virtuous principles.


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So, I hope you have gained some understanding about hygiene through these presented facts. I am really happy to present a timely topic as a contest in these times of disease.

And also thanks again to @aaliarubab for creating a contest like this. I hope to participate in such contests in the future. Thank you all very much for staying with me.

I would like to invite @moyeon, @dobertim, @saku49539 to participate in this contest.

Thank you


I really love this words "Personal Hygiene represent the first line of defense against disease". It is sad that people ignore this line of defense only for them to be the victims. I think people should pay more attention to hygiene especially personal hygiene. Awesome post

Thank you very much for your review indeed our health security is something we have to take care of ourselves


Valuable post. Thank you for the invitation. Good luck sister.

 9 months ago 

There is very good information in your post. You have explained your fashion in detail in very easy language and your presentation is also very good. Thankyou for invitation and good luck with the contest 😊

Hey friend, I will advise you stop tagging the steemcurators . Don't worry the see all post on steemit and act when they feel it's necessary
Just keep writing unique and creative post and engage on others post to grow faster.

Thank you.

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