SEC-S16 / W6 | "The Science of Aging👩"

in Healthy Steem4 months ago

Hello friends, trust you're keeping well, am super happy to be back again this week for SEC. I was just going through all the contest topics and then this particular one caught my attention,I then decided to go for it.

Aging is an experience every one would have by default if nothing goes wrong such as death at a tender age. A man's journey begins from conception to a very old man and then finally embark on the journey beyond this realm.
I think I have so much to share with us in line with the contest hint. Let's enjoy the ride together friends

What is the medical process behind aging and from which age it actually starts?

Am not so good with science, I struggled really hard to come to terms with chemistry and physics. I believe it the sole reason why I chose the commercial path right from my high school days...and here am I today being asked to give scientific explanation for aging...sighs!

Anyways I had to do a little findings since it's a question I can't avoid...lols. From my little findings I found out that man is made up of millions of cells and organs. These cells have the ability to devide themselves in the human body and this aid functionality in the human system.


The organs also play a vital role in the body but there comes a time when these cells begin to deplete in their duplicating power and then these organs begins to grow weary and gradually they begin to die.

We then we start seeing the tell tale sign on the outside (even at an early age of 30 in some folks) which includes wrinkle on skin, dimming of the eyes, abated strength and energy etc.

Ooops! I think I just nailed this part...lols. There is a whole lot to say along this line but then I would leave you to also check out some fact youself... so join me as I attempt the next question

Are you afraid of becoming older and if yes then what are the challanges of aging that are making you afraid from getting older?

If I really want to be sincere with myself, my answer would be yes. A song writer titled a popular song of his Forever Young...a line of the song says, forever Young, I wanna live forever Young. This is really what I want. I don't want to stare at the mirror someday and see wrinkles on my face...


I really don't want to get to that point where am being held by the hand like a child to places I would have energetically gone alone. I really do not want to see that the strength I use to have is no more.

But how do we shy away from this reality? It a phase we all must come into and we need to brace up for it. No one will actually live forever young. That's song writer was very wrong with that lyrics, well I thinks it was just a wish from his end, but then God cannot grant such request. Man will always live up to become old including me...smiles

Write any three nutritional items that can prevent aging?

There are quite a number of anti-aging food that one can take to slow down the aging process which happens by default at it own time and am going to be listing them below.

Sweet potatoes:Fascinating right? Well I never knew until I made this research that sweet potatoes are anti aging food that has enough Vitamin A which helps in combating wrinkles on the skin, giving it the perfect glow.


I've been taking more then enough potatoes myself, but I think I will give more attention to it because of it nutritional value and anti aging elements. Well I think I need to mention that I found out in some article that aging starts at the age of 20....funny right? So the battle line has just being drawn...lols

Nuts: this is another edible that has anti aging element they contain proteins, vitamins E, minerals, antioxidants and essential oils. A very good example is Almonds and walnuts. Vitamin E plays a major role in protecting the skin from harmful rays from sunlight.

fresh-organic-red-tomatoes-black-plate-white-wooden-table-with-green-red-chili-peppers-green-peppers-black-peppercorns-salt-close-up-healthy-concept_114579-1204 (1).jpg

Tomatoes: Tomato and tomato juice are also very good for aging people, they also possess some anti aging element that helps protect the skin from sun ray. It contains lycopene, which is known for protecting the skin against harsh rays from sun

Write any three exercises that can makes you looking young even in older age?

Older folks are not exempted from exercising, in fact they need it more at this stage of their lives so they don't get all stuffed up and fall ill. Exercise do the body a lot of good. Making the body very active and lively.

However, they are not to be subjected to some rigorous exercise that can end up doing them more harm than good. I will like to mention some exercise that aging folks can engage in...let's check them out below.

Swimming: this exercise doesn't require so effort on their path yet very beneficial to them

Shot Distance walk: this is also very important as it help them stretch their body and flex their muscle.


Cycling: cycling for old folks is also very important, it can be used in place of a short distance walk for old folks that are still agile.

These three types of exercise can be leveraged on by old people. They are to ensure that they exercise regularly, they are to spend nothing less than 150 minutes exercising per week.


We all will have to experience what it feels like to age. It's a phase of life that no one is exempted from. We all just have to embrace it irrespective of our fears and reservation. It's a good thing to have gone through different phase of life...with good health and sound mind.

Thank you so much for your time, I hope you enjoyed every bit of this publication. Just before I zoom off, I would like to invite @waqarahmadshah @ruthjoe @josepha @negro-bby. Gracias!


 4 months ago 

Your approach to describe aging process medically is really critical and it seems that you research before explaining answer of this question as well as I can understand that you always want to be young as you are also describing reference of a song in which singer says that he always wants to be young. Everyone loves beauty and fun of young age that's why I can understand your feelings of not getting older.

I want to wish you good luck in this engagement challenge you wrote very well....

 4 months ago 

Am glad you can relate and see from my perspective. Aging is a reality we have to come to terms with. It's part of life. Thanks for engaging

 4 months ago 

My pleasure to engage with your post ...

Most entry is loading too ☺️

 4 months ago 

I almost laugh from your point seeing where you said you are not good at science. However, we're not born to be good at everything. Life is a stage that begins from small (young) to old as long as we live we will experience old age when the time comes. Thanks for the invite and good luck to you.

 4 months ago should have let out the laughter, my brother😀. I just looked for a way to get a scientific explanation ...lols.
You're very correct, life is a gradual process and everyone will have to go through the cycle. Thanks for engaging.

 4 months ago 

It's a topic that I think we all wonder about at times, and you did a wonderful job exploring it from multiple angles. Thanks for the invitation. I am working on my entry and will definitely participate in this contest.

 4 months ago 

Good to know you have something in the pipeline as well, I would also love to read your thoughts as touching this topic. Thanks for engaging once again. Enjoy your day.

 4 months ago 

Hello friend
Am must eventually follow the process of getting old. There is no way someone can live forever Young. You explained that you are scared of getting old it's same here. You get to depend on people to take you to places you would have energetically gone on your own. You also have them hold you by the hand. It's indeed a phase we must all go through therefore we have to brace up too. I enjoyed your entry and success in the challenge my dear friend

@lhorgic I appreciate your candidness in addressing fears about growing older while also highlighting the importance of acceptance. Your insights on nutrition and exercise for healthy aging are valuable reminders to take proactive steps towards well being. Best of luck in the contest

 4 months ago 

Smiles...well there is no mincing words when it come to expressions such as this. Aging is a reality we all must embrace. Thanks for engaging

 4 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 4 months ago 

Hello @lhorgic hope you are having a good day.Thanks for talking about aging.We all get older and it's a natural part of life. I understand your fear of aging but it's something we all have to accept. Your tips on foods and exercises to stay young are great. Let's embrace every stage of life no matter our age, really enjoyed reading your blog wish you success 💖🤗🌸💐🌺.

 4 months ago 

Greetings dear @lhorgic,

It's fascinating to see how you tackled the question on aging from a personal perspective while incorporating some scientific insights. Your willingness to explore unfamiliar territory and share your findings is admirable. Looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts on the next question.

But how do we shy away from this reality? It a phase we all must come into and we need to brace up for it.

Your perspective reminds us to cherish each moment and embrace the journey ahead with resilience.

Your thorough exploration of anti-aging foods and exercises showcases a commitment to holistic well-being. By highlighting the benefits of sweet potatoes, nuts, tomatoes, swimming, walking, and cycling, you've provided valuable insights for maintaining vitality at any age.

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