SEC-S13/W4| "The Role of the Caregiver ♥️ "

in Healthy Steem9 months ago

Assalamualaikum steemians

Care givers are very important in healthcare sector because they are responsible for giving us a wealthy and healthy life by modifying our lifestyles through their care

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👩‍⚕️ Have you played the role of caregiver or do you know someone who has put it into practice? Tell us about it.

Yes I have played the role of care giver and I think if you are a care giver then it should be an honour for you to think about it because if you are a care giver then it means that you are serving the humanity either you are serving your family member, your friend or a stranger.

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In my case I am still a care giver of my mother because she is a heart patient and I care her a lot related to her diet that what she should eat to maintain her blood pressure as well as I also take care of her important medicine that are mandatory prescriptions of her doctor.

👩‍⚕️ Do you think that caring for a sick person should be a team effort or the work of a single person?

Caring of a sick person is very important and I think having good care giver give more encouragement to a sick person than to have other modifications and lifestyle changes for a healthy life so if we talk about caring of a sick person through teamwork or through a single person then it is a detailed discussion.

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According to me teamwork for caring a sick person is very important because when a person get sick then there are different people who are responsible for care of a sick person which includes a doctor, other Health Care professionalist as well as a care giver from family so I think caring for a sick person is a teamwork for more successful and better outcome.

👩‍⚕️ What qualities do you think a caregiver should have?

There are different qualities that a care giver should have.

  • First of all care giver should be educated and should have much awareness related to basic pillars of health so that he may take care of a sick person in most accurate way.
  • A care giver should be responsive and should be active in response to patient condition and patient demand.

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  • A care giver should be very careful and punctual and he should not have any margin of carelessness.
  • A care giver should feel true pain of a patient so that he or she make take care of patient according to patient needs and for patient well being and welfare.

👩‍⚕️ What advice would you give to a person who is performing this role?

Advice that I want to give to a person who is performing this role is to be very kind with a sick person because a sick person always needs you around his self and your love and care can bring joy for a patient and can give a kind of encouragement to that patient so be like a humble person while taking care of them.

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Additionally my advice to all those persons is to follow all the basic rules and principles which can make you a good care giver and these are your kind behaviour for patient ,your punctuality and sincerity for patient care as well as your implementation of knowledge for well being of patient and if you would follow all these things then no one can refrain you to be a best Health Care provider and best care giver.

I want to invite here @sduttaskitchen , @msharif , @inspiracion , @suboohi to participate


 9 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 9 months ago 

Saludos estimado amigo, es un honor para ti cuidar de tu madre y eso te lo aplaudo, ademas, no todos gozamos de tal dicha. Me encanta la nominacion que le das, paciente del corazon woao, mejor imposible. Exitos en tu estupenda entrada.

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