SEC-S16 / W4 | "The Environment and Our Health".

in Healthy Steem4 months ago


Edited with coreldraw source

Hello good evening to all healthy steem family, it's a pleasure being here. I saw çame across and interesting contest titled The Environment and Our Health organized and published by the community account, I couldn't skip rather it captivate my interest so I participate.

Environmental health is very essential for protecting human health and also promoting sustainable development. Before I proceed my article writing I'll love to use this opportunity to invite @preshy001 @manuelkooks and @jeph001 to participate in this interesting contest, I'll be looking forward to read your participation.

What do you understand by the Word "Environment"?


When I think of the word environment, I think of the natural world around us. Example things like thee water, soil, plant and buildings which includes the built environment which is the man made world around us. This can be things like houses, roads and market. So the environment is everything that surrounds us be it natural and man made.

How do our surroundings impact our well-being?

Our surroundings can have a big impact on our well being. This is because our environment can affect both our physical and mental health. Okay for instances, living in a place with poor air quality can lead to respiratory problems as health study prove . So as living in a noisy and crowded city do lead to stress and uncomfortable.

Same as living in a quiet and calm environment can help one mental stability, it's good to be aware of how our environment can affect our well being. If our environment doesn't favour our health its advisable to try to make changes to improve our environment and our health, good health first.

What are some ways pollution, like air or water pollution, can affect our health?


Pollution in many ways have impact on our health which can affect. For example, Air pollution causes respiratory problems such as asthma, difficulty in breathing and even causes cancer. This is because air pollution are likely to contain harmful chemicals.

My chemistry teacher taught me some dangeriouse chemical that likely polut the air and are very harmful example oxides from nitroge, oxides from sulfur and fine particulate matter. This is as a result of burning gas or solid particles in our surrounding

Water pollution in the other hand causes health problems like reproductive problems. due to things like acid rain cause. Dumping sewage in water in one of the main source of water pollution, it really affect those that lives in rural area where their main source of water for drinking and cooking is from river or streams. Taking in touch water contaminated with germs cause a lot of health issues.

What are some simple actions you take every day to promote environmental health?

An educated person who understands the disadvantages followed by polluting our environment will allows abide and try everything possible to avoid such act.

I do make sure not to let sewage fill my space in my compound, it's as become a usual thing for me dumping them trash to avoid getting in contact with bacterials and other harmful organism. I learned that burning causes a lot of harm, that's by polluting the air and water as well, burning causes acidic rainfall as all the carbon and sulfur acid emit by burning tend to escape to the cloud. I avoid doing such act rather dump them in government incinerator, maybe they'll have a better method of combusting with causing harm.

My environment is surrounded by grasses so i I made it a usual thing for my clearing them every three weeks to avoid creating a comfortable habitat for harmful insert to live. Not just environment, it is important to maintain good hygiene, keeping neat our house mate I also part of promoting good health.

How can education and awareness play a role in promoting environmental health?


Education and awareness can be a nice strategy the plays a big role in promoting environmental health. When people are educated about the importance of protecting the environment and maintaining good health, they amay likely to make changes in their own lives.

A community can host awareness campaigns so they can use to promote environmental health. For example, campaign might focus on the basically the effects of air pollution or the importance of conserving water. Such campaigns can help to raise awareness about specific environmental issues and inspire people to take action with immediate effect so as to maintain good living. Education and awareness are key in promoting a good and healthy environment.


In conclusion, living in a healthy environment means being aware of the impact our actions have on the on our surrounding and taking steps to reduce a negative impact. We can do this by reducing our waste, conserving water and energy. If possible we can get involved in our community advocate for environmental protection, remember cleanliness is next to Godliness.

Thank you all for you time spent to read my article, if find Worthy you can leave a comment, love you all🥰.


Hi friend I really enjoy reading your entry, this is one of the best entry I have read so far, I have learnt something from your writing, keeping our surrounding clean always is very good and encouraging, by doing that our health is totally save.also those in school will gain more knowledge on caring for their surrounding. Wish you success...

 4 months ago 

Thanks very much for your meaningful contribution, I really appreciate.

 4 months ago 

Cleanliness is next to holiness Jehovah our Creator is holy and he loves clean people. Keeping our environment clean is for our well-being it keeps us away from the doctor.


 4 months ago 

That's very much I appreciate your comment 🙏❤️

 4 months ago 

Your article on the relationship between the environment and our health is enlightening and well-written. You've highlighted the importance of understanding our surroundings and the impact they have on our well-being. Your emphasis on promoting environmental health through everyday actions like waste reduction and water conservation is commendable. Success on your entry

 4 months ago 

Thanks very much, I really appreciate your meaningful contribution

 4 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!🤗

Sin duda alguna, la educación es clave para el bienestar de nuestro medio ambiente porque, si las instituciones académicas en sus distintos niveles emplean mejores elementos educativos para fomentar hábitos ecológico, muchas cosas pueden mejorar.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

 4 months ago 

I really appreciate your comment

 4 months ago 

Health is basic need of our life, if you are healthy you can do any activity you want, you can attend your class, go to job, do your business and travel etc. If you're sick or having any type disease you cannot do anything. As you said air pollution is causing problems, discussing oxides.

  • SO2 mixes with rain water and by reaction they form H2SO4, a sulfuric acid which is the main reason behind skin cancer and other face problems.
  • industrial waste contaminate drinking water and you are going to get other diseases, like typhoid and hepatitis.

Thank You

 4 months ago 

I really agree, the environment is the natural environment around which we live and must always be clean and beautiful so that it will have an impact on the health of everyone in the environment. Good luck in the contest which has this interesting topic :)

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