SEC-S13 / W5 | "How can alcohol cause damage to your health! 🍺"

in Healthy Steem11 months ago (edited)

Alcohol "A True Story"

What I want to tell you on the forum is not easy or pleasant for me. I have been dealing with alcohol since I was a child when my parents and actually my father drank a lot. He wasn't violent but it definitely put a dent in my psyche. Sometimes he would come back drunk and all my friends who played soccer with me saw it. I was ashamed of him. As I got older, I matured and I didn't care. At the age of puberty I tasted beer for the first time myself. Every time I went to a party I reached for alcohol. I didn't know how to drink... And I think I still have a problem with it to this day. Often my drinking ends badly.

They say that alcohol helps bring people together and break down barriers in human contact. I somewhat agree with this because I met many girls after alcohol. I was more talkative and sociable. I always had a great time on percentages.
At one stage in my life I divorced my wife, who became an alcoholic and is in treatment. The very stage of divorce I went through very mentally and drowned my sorrows with a bottle of whisky and vodka. It helped only for a while.

I am 39 years old and after alcohol I did all sorts of bad things. I would get beaten up at a party, sometimes I would go home on all fours. The last few months of my life have not been the best either. When there are family problems or at work and even when I helped a colleague in a very difficult situation alcohol always accompanied me. I believe that alcoholism is a serious disease and you stay with it for the rest of your life. Of course, you can not drink during this period, but the temptations will always be there. Not every person who drinks alcohol becomes an alcoholic. Everyone has a different psyche. It's just a pity that the Polish state probably tolerates alcoholics more than drug addicts. Many young kids don't realize what side effects there are after drinking alcohol. It doesn't happen overnight. It's like a ticking bomb that you don't know when it will explode. This was the case with me and ended up with a visit to a psychiatrist and psychologist.
Alcohol is a poison.... Just why do we reach for it so often, and most often at family gatherings shouting "Cheers!"
Totally absurd.

It is not easy to recognize an alcoholic. It can be a person in a high position, who has even one drink at home or at work. They can be people who regularly reach for alcohol every week. At some stage or point in his fragile life, a person is brought to his knees by alcohol and has to realize the problem himself. He must ask himself whether he needs outside help.
I have reduced my drinking of alcohol, but it does not eliminate it completely. I'm learning how to control my behavior under its influence so that I don't bring shame to those closest to me. It will never be easy to make a decision but we must always fight. This is our fate.


If you feel you have a problem with alcohol you should talk to the person closest to you. It is easy to get addicted to alcohol and even dare I say easier than cocaine. Maybe because it is cheaper and more available. This does not mean that alcohol can wreak havoc in your head in the long run.

Invite: @emsonic, @nangel, @hamzayousafzai

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

 11 months ago 

I love the fact that you shared a personal experience on this no doubt. Those reading this will learn from your post. I feel peer pressure also had a hand in this no doubt. So it all revolves around the fact that alcohol can be detrimental if not controlled. Even when it's taken in moderation, it should be controlled as it may have effect on us now or in years to come

 11 months ago 

Thank you for your comment. I like to share my life experiences. Perhaps someone will draw conclusions, but I am more convinced that most only when they experience such situations themselves. Life is not a fairy tale...It can bring us to our knees.

 11 months ago 


 11 months ago 

como seres humanos se busca lo que mas agrada y satisface como el alcohol que genera momentos de euforia pero con el tiempo de manera solapada va creando adicción ain importar los efectos desagradables y grave daño que produce con los años al hígado es lo peor que termina con la calidad de vida en el transcurso del tiempo.

Creo que la manera de dejarlo es tener una gran Fe en Dios e interiorizar que en realidad nuestra mente es muy fuerte para dejar dominarse por un tonto vicio que merme la vida, esta manera aliente y dominio propio que poseemos nos fortalece.
Ademas es bueno buscar actiidades saludables para practicar como caminar, hacer deportes, leer las sagradas escrituras, un buen libro, ayudar a otros que lo necesitan para olvidarse de los problemas afectivos o de otra índole
En este mundo hay tanto por hacer que muchas veces el tiempo es muy corto y se hace insuficiente,
La vida es muy hermosa para aprovecharla tanto como se pueda.

Saludos y éxitos

 11 months ago 

Gracias por su comentario. A veces una persona no aprecia la belleza de la vida o está cegada por el alcohol. El periodo en el que no bebo alcohol he empezado a ver la belleza de la vida. Cuidé más de mi familia, me compré un libro para leer. Estoy contento con cada pequeña cosa porque sé lo mal que un estado mental se ha apoderado de mi cabeza. Un yogui dijo: "No hay problemas, sólo ciertas situaciones". Veo el mundo de otra manera. Después de 16 años estoy cambiando de empleador, lo que ya es un gran paso para mí. Saludos cordiales

 11 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 11 months ago 

Thank you!👊


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