How can we know if we are training badly.

in Healthy Steem21 days ago

How can we know if we are training badly.

You have to be careful with overtraining, because it is a very common problem especially among beginners, sometimes we try to do our best and without the respective knowledge or advice of a trainer we can fall into an injury, and that prevents us from fulfilling our goals,

Pain is usually experienced while we train poorly, so we must always keep in mind that pain is an alert that our body gives us, a signal that is trying to warn us that something needs attention and that is why we must listen to it; Of course there are discomforts typical of exercise and physical demands, but we have to be careful to distinguish when it comes to discomforts typical of training and pain that may be warning you of turning into an injury.

These pains tend to be more stabbing, more intense and often tend to occur on only one side of our body, that is, asymmetrically, for example, in a single knee or on one side of the hip or in a tibia or in a tendon more than one. On the other hand, I also remind you of a very simple rule: if these pains persist over time and last for more than 3 days every time we run, it is very possible that we are facing an early warning of the appearance of an injury, so there is you have to pay a lot of attention to it.

Sometimes we urgently need to make some changes, since we experience a lack of desire to train, logically if we do not get enough rest, nor can we recover before a new workout, it is most likely that we will not feel like training again. and that we are constantly looking for excuses, that it is cold, that it is hot, that not today because I don't have time, because I have to do something else.

We will always find the perfect excuse not to train and that is why, if this happens to you repeatedly more than one or two days a week, I invite you to review introspectively and really see what are the causes that do not bother you. they are taking to train.

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