Steemit engagement challenge S20W4 :Etiopathogenic Anemias- Module 4

in Healthy Steem5 days ago

Hello Dear friends ,I am @jollymonoara from Bangladesh .

Steemit engagement challenge S20W4 :Etiopathogenic Anemias- Module 4

Assalamu Alaikum

Hello friends how are you all hope by the grace of Allah all community admins and moderators of the platform are healthy and safe. By God's grace I'm fine too.

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In the fourth week of Steemit Engagement Challenge, presented to us on the topic of Etiopathogenic Anemia, so today I started a detailed discussion on it.

Defines Etiopathogenic Anemia

Etiology is what we mean by the causes of a disease or the condition of that disease
And by Pathogenesis, we mean the method of developing a disease or position

The causes of anemia mainly depend on the type of anemia children, adults or pregnant women are suffering from. Among the most common causes of anemia are nutritional deficiencies, especially iron, folic acid, and vitamin B2, or inherited genetically such as anemia thalassemia or sickle cell anemia.

Food list iron plays a very important role. Anemia caused by iron deficiency can account for most of the bleeding.Moreover, it can also be caused by internal bleeding from the gastrointestinal.


Iron Deficiency Anemia

It Is Most Type of Anemia. As a result, there is a considerable body iron deficiency in the body.
This can result in blood loss in the body and cause poor iron absorption.
and other

Pregnancy related anemia

Common type of anemia
Iron Deficiency Anemia It Is Most Type of Anemia. As a result, there is a considerable body iron deficiency in the body.
This can result in blood loss in the body and cause poor iron absorption.
Pregnancy related anemia


Main cause -Vitamin B12 and Folic acid deficiency

Vitamin Deficiency Anemia If the body has a low level of vitamins (vitamin B12 and folic acid)
Vitamin B12gastrointestinal tract cannot absorption can lead to Pernicious anemia.


Impaired DNA synthesis

  • Delayed maturation of nucleus -Vitamin B12 and Folic acid recurved DNA takes a little longer to match the synthesis nucleus resulting in the nucleus becoming abnormally large.Cytoplasm maturation remains normal.

This is Megaloblast.

  • Cytoplasm maturation normally

Cytoplasm maturation remains normal. The nucleus enlarges as well as becomes RBC larger size.

-Skin, gastrointestinal bone marrow effect

Vitamin deficiency causes delayed nuclear maturation resulting in formation of Megaloblast and it is macrocyte.

It is Megaloblastic anemia.

Ineffective Erythropoiesis

RBC intramedullary destruction.

Bone marrow enough RBC stops blood cell making, Deficiency of Blood blood-forming system Cell in Bonmel but in this case Aplastic anemia may occur.
And if break inside the bloodstream of red blood cell, it can be Hemolytic anemia.

If RBC's RBC mass is being decayed in the blood, we can define it as anemia.
.RBC basically has two functions in blood-
Red-cell hemoglobin is the supply of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and second is the supply of carbon dioxide from the tissue to the lungs.
If there is not enough RBC in the blood or if the oxygen level may decrease due to various reasons including internal bleeding or low hemoglobin.
In this case there are three reasons for anemia. One is blood loss two is increased destruction of RBCs and production of RBCs.

Make a diagram of the maturation of the UFC-E

Erythro- this word comes from the erythrocytes side i.e. RBC.
Poiesis-being generation or forming.

If we want to say one thing to erythropoiesis it is the Formation of RBC.
The main factor of Erythropoiesis is the stem cell. All blood components can be made from a stand cell.

The main factor of Erythropoiesis is the stem cell. All blood components can be made from a stem cell.


The main factor of Erythropoiesis is the stem cell. All blood components can be made from a stem cell.
The stem cells from which all kinds of blood components are made we pleeiripotent hematopoietic stem cells. And this cell can convert any cell.

Pleeiripotent hematopoietic stem cell split off and came to CFU-E (colony formic unit electrolytes).This cell is called a committed stem cell.

The first cell to be formed from a committed cell would be a proerythroblast blast.When this cell is more mature we get this Basophiler Erythroblast cell.

We know RBC includes hemoglobin that helps carry oxygen. Hemoglobin is a type of protein. We need more RNA to make this protein.So by this stage Basophiler Erythroblast produces more and more RNA.

When the Basophiler Erythroblast will have a little more maturation some RNA has synthesized to form hemoglobin. Where hemoglobin's color is red and RNA's color is blue.The combination of colors created for this is called Polychromatophil Erythroblast.

At this stage when the amount of hemoglobin increases even more the amount of RNA decreases immediately. We call the maturation that occurs at this stage orthochromatic erythroblast.

Orthochromatic erythroblasts from proerythroblast, this total process is from stem cell to bone marrow inside.

But as the orthochromatic erythroblast phase passes, the RBCs emerge from the bone marrow into the capillary and into the blood vessel.

The first step after the first visit to the orthochromatic erythroblast blood vessel is reticulocyte. This site is called Young RBC. There is no nucleus and RNA at this site just hemoglobin. Eventually reticulocyte.24 to 48 hours a mature becomes RBC.

Produces RBC from the stem cell through these eight steps.

  • One thing we have seen through cell division is that each nucleus has changed from large to small, this time the nucleus has vanished and turned into Arabic. The more mature the nucleus is, the more mature the DNA is, the smaller the nucleus is. Vitamin B12 does not contain twelve and folic acids, but the nucleus does not mature inside the bone marrow.

A Regenerative Anemia vs Regenerative Anemia

Usually, if anemia occurs, the number of RBCs in the body decreases. If the body responds, it helps to normalize the number of RBCs, that is Regenerative anemia.A-regenerative anemia if the body can't respond in case the number of RBCs in the body is reduced.
Anemia usually reduces the number of RBCs, in which case it is regenerative anemia if the body can bring the RBC back to the normal range.And if the body can't bring that low number of RBCs to normal range then it's A Regenerative anemia.
In the case of blood loss, the bleeding of the animal causes the bone marrow to quickly form a new RBC - regenerative anemia.Anemia caused by bone marrow suppression is aplastic anemia.Bone Marrow becomes Suppression so no longer can produce RBC A regenerative anemia.


Usually regenerative and A regenerative through CBC tests we can determine.The character of Re Generalitive Anemia is that it will contain the presentation of RBCs between the presents of immature RBCs in peripheral blood.

The count of RBC is less regenerative than the normal range .
PCV/hematocrit value normal and PCV value drops then it indicates re-generates.

Reticulocyte count increase is PCV value normal.Howell jolly bodies are more count-Re generative.A regenerative Rbc count will drop by reducing body response by less than, reducing Produce by less.PCV becomes oleum and drop.As a result, nuclid RBC is less visible. Howell jolly bodies cout count also becomes low,Reticulocytes are not produced,Reticulocytes count decrease is.

Give suggestions in case of bleeding

  • In case of bleeding, the first suggestion I would like to give is the bleeding area immediately by hand or with a sterile cloth Squeeze so the bleeding can't be too much.

  • Then with some stuff in the room I can prevent bleeding. Povidone-iodine should be applied to the bleeding area with 10% antiseptic solution cotton as a disinfectant to prevent skin disinfection and infection and excessive bleeding before going to the doctor, bandaging as needed.

This antiseptic solution is the primary treatment for anyone walking and stumbling or playing on our path, who falls and hurts and even cuts a little space.We can prevent excessive bleeding with one time bandages.
This way I can stop external bleeding anywhere on the body.

  • Moreover, we can allow blood pressure monitoring and CBC test in any laboratory. So that I can monitor my hemoglobin RBC. And we can get treatment by looking at the range value of hemoglobin. Moreover, we need to consult a doctor immediately when the low hemoglobin range value.

  • In the case of iron deficiency, we can perform serum iron profile tests. If we did advance such tests in the laboratory, it will be convenient to get the doctor treated quickly and the patient will get quick cure in this case.

  • If internal bleeding starts in the body, then I have nothing to do then take the patient to the hospital as soon as possible and it is very emergency. Because internal tasks are usually doctor's work. If I show the advance reports to the doctor, the doctor can start the treatment very quickly.


  • It turns out that the patient's condition tends to worsen due to excessive bleeding.One to two bags of blood are needed at the moment, in that case he has to give extra blood as far as possible, so blood can be given by close or distant relatives who match the blood group.

..The friend users I would like to invite to this contest,they are @yahnel,@simaroy,@khokomia and @sinthiyadisha.

Thank you so much, everyone, for voting, commenting and supporting my post

Thank you all on my behalf
Best Regards


 5 days ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

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