"My day with my four footed friend/friends (33)

in Healthy Steem2 days ago

Greetings my fellow steemians colleagues and friernds across the globe, how are all doing today? I hope you are all fine and healthy as well as enjoying the beautiful moments July brings to us, it another week and I welcome you all to this amazing contest " my four footed friends" organized by @aaliarubab here in this amazing community called #Healthy-steem, I decided to take part in this contest to share with you all my four footed friends as well as some experiences I had with them.


Four footed friend as the contest theme implies can be defined and explain in a layman terms as pets or animals having and walking on four feet's or legs example are Dogs, goats, Pigs, Cow e.t.c,for those of you that came across my last week blog on four footed friends you noticed I made mention on different pets and animals as my four footed friends like goats, dogs, pigs and cows but I wrote about pigs as my four footed friends, so this week am writing about Goats.


My four footed friend.
A goat is a domestic animal and hollow-horned mammal belonging to the genus Capra and it is closely related to sheeps, A male goat is referred to as either a buck or a billy goat while female goats are called nanny goats, and a baby goats is called kids.

The reason I mentioned goats here is because I love animals so much and again because I rear goats as well, which I will say it a kind of job or work to do but with time you will used to it.


When I woke up every morning I do my morning devotion by praying to God, brush teeth, clean up our rooms and surrounding then move down to our goats house to check on them and as well clean up their house, after cleaning their house i take them to the bush to feed on grasses.

Later in the afternoon I have to go and bring them back home because of the hot weather and as well for them to drink some water which is very effective and essential for their growth and well-being then after resting for some hours I have to take them back to the bush to eats for a while then bring back finally in the evening.


But if it during rainy season which you all Know that Goats don't like rain, what I will do is that I give some beans chalves, yam peal's and grains e.t.c to eat so that when rain stops I will go to the bush to fetch some grasses and for them to eat since the ground is wet and it is not good for their body.


Despite the fact that this goats are meant for consumption and commercial purpose but consider them as pet because of the time and moment I spent with them.Though the work and stress in rearing goats is stressful and difficult but the benefits in it is much if only you know what you are doing that is take proper good care of them by cleaning and maintaining their house, also the quantity feed you gives them matters like goats the reason I usually take them to bush is for them to eat to their satisfaction and also eats the type of grass they like.

I have come to end of this amazing contest on my four footed friend which I will like to appreciate the effort of the organizer @aaliarubab for keeping up the good work by organizing this particular which gives us the opportunity to showcase the pets and animals around us. Also I will like to invite my fellow steemians @josepha, @pandora2010, @solperez, @jhellenmjgr to take part in this contest thanks.


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