in Healthy Steem7 months ago

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For every Nigerian, there is a very good chance you know what depression is if you’re in your twenties and especially if you are a man (the urge to make money and marry is very real on guys on this part of the world).

Take out the Nigerian factor, with economic meltdowns happening all over the world and deadly diseases rampaging the whole world in the past few years, every concern person has come close to being depressed at one time or the other.
One might wonder how depression and anger relates, but the truth is, the same occurrences or incidents that leads to depression can also lead to anger, and for those who cannot handle these challenges thrown by life, they do fall into one of these problems.

These are issues that concerns and threatens every human being at one point or the other, so we must know beforehand how to handle and cope with these challenges when they arise.

I @jbeecom, am very glad to share my thoughts and experience on this topic/contest.

What must I do to conquer depression and anger?

Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fit-all solution to these problems, what works in one instance might not work in another, however we can be forearmed to handle these challenges.

One technique is to try and remain positive in all situations.
Being optimistic and having hope about the future can also help.
Seeing the best in situations and people can help you remain on the positive and cheerful side of things.
Avoid too much sad news in the media as much as you can.

What is different between depression and anger?

One key difference is that depression can last for a longer period of time than anger and because of that can cause more (though not always seen and obvious) damage than anger.
Anger tends to be more destructful and can easily be triggered by instantaneous actions or reactions, depression on the hand usually takes long to creep and if often cause by a series of events.


What lead us to depression?

Bad news and events that happens to be more powerful than our controls can easily push one to depression. When someone feels that they are helpless and that there is nothing they can do, they usually feel down and slide into depression. Another is overworrying and fear of the future and the helpless feeling that comes with knowing that we can do very little to have a full control of our lives and future.
How do we Cope With Anger and Depression?

Thinking about the future optimistically can help. It works better when that hope concerning the future has firm root. For example, the Bible promises of a better future and as Christians we do see Bible prophecies fulfilling (example is signs of this end-time that we are seeing everyday), therefore having hope about the good future can help in coping.

Set little goals you can easily achieve and as you achieve them, you can set other ones with higher level of difficulty (nothing too complex), this way you can feel more control of your life

What are the Treatment for Anger and Depression?

There are no one-size-fit-all solutions or treatment, however seeking professional guidance from experts can help.


Anger and depression is a disease that sooner or later threatens everyone, and there is nothing we can do to escape them in their entirety. Still, we can be ready to handle them if we believe we can take control of our lives and be optimistic.

I invite you @allison001 @crystal247 @kidi40 @bossj23 to participate in this great contest.

#mesola-cda #steemexclusive, #healthy-steem, #nigeria #club5050 #newcomer #contest

 6 months ago 

Well explained and written kudos to you brother.
And like you said "not one size fits all", depression can be difficult to treat but it's not impossible to treat it

 7 months ago 

Thank you for sharing your idea with us, I really enjoyed going through your article. It's true that a depression is a deceased that needed a quick cure before getting over control. Your explanation help in making your article clearly and understandable. Thank you sir.

 7 months ago 

Thank you for making your time to read my thoughts and opinions.


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