Contest! Awareness About Hypertension

in Healthy Steem4 months ago (edited)

How are you feeling guys. I hope that everyone will be enjoying their days happy. GOD bless you all guys. I'm fine too.Today I am going to participate in the contest organized by @suboohi in the @healthysteem community.I was scrolling steemit and I found this contest the topic is very interesting so i decided to participate.

Contest theme 👇

Awareness About Hypertension

Do you know what hypertension is?


Hypertension is high blood pressure. Hypertension us very common now a days. It happens when the force of the blood against our walls of the arteries is too high. The high blood pressure can cause many serious problems. The blood pressure can be measured in two numbers, systolic and diastolic. The normal value of the blood pressure is 120/80 if the value is recorded consecutive two times greater than that it will be hypertension. If it left untreated it can cause many other serious health problems.

Are you aware of symptoms of hypertension?


When it comes to hypertension, it's a little sneaky because the symptoms of hypertension doesn't noticable. This is why it's called as silent killer. But there are some signs which can tell us about hypertension which are given below 👇. It can be
• SOB shortness of breath
•chest pain.

Can hypertension lead to other health problems?

Yes, hypertension can lead to many other serious health problems if lt left untreated. When blood force against walls of the arteries high it can put a strain on our heart and blood vessels. The high blood pressure can cause
•kidney problems
•Vision loss

Do you think lifestyle changes can effectively manage hypertension?


Yes, absolutely life style modifications can manage hypertension. You can have a positive impact on your health if you adopt a healthy life style. Here I will discuss
•Balanced diet.
•By adopting a balanced diet it can improve your health.
•Some regular exercises in your daily routine. •Maintaining a healthy weight.
•Avoid smoking.
•Along with prescribed medicatios.
I invite you to participate.

Thank you for reading my post.
 4 months ago 

Yes the hypertension is a disease and a severe attack of sudden increase in blood pressure leads towards death. Thank you so much for sharing a beautiful article with us and mentioning me in your post. Good luck 🤞

 4 months ago 

AsslamuAlikum hope you will be good brother your right brother hypertension is very common now in everywhere we should must Spread awareness about it .

 4 months ago 

Walaikum assalam.
Yes Dear brother. We should aware about hypertension because it can cause many other serious health problems. Thank you for your comment on my post.
Regards @jannat12

 4 months ago 

Yes Ofcourse . Your most welcome nmy dear sis.

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