Contest alert| creating awareness for the heart, maintenance and functions

in Healthy Steem3 months ago

How are you all? I hope you all are fine by the grace of Allah Almighty who is the most merciful and beneficent. I'm fine too Alhamdulilah. I'm pleased while participating in the contest organized by @mesola in the #healthysteem community.

creating awareness for the heart, maintenance and functions

✅ Mention few types of hearts diseases


The types of heart disease are mentioned below. Coronary artery disease, arrhythmia, heart failure, congestive heart disease and valvular heart disease.The most common form of heart disease is the coronary artery disease. The blood vessels supply nutrients and the oxygen to the heart. When these blood vessels become narrow when there is a production of any plaque in the blood vessels. It can cause pain in the chest. The abnormal rhythms of the heart are called as arrhythmia. When the electric signals are disrupted that are able to control heart beat , the arrhythmia occurs. The arrhythmia condition required medical care as they can be life threatening.The valvular heart disease is that heart disease which can affect the heart valves. The heart valves leaked and create an affect on the blood flow. The SOB , edema in the region of ankle and foot are the symptoms of the valvular heart disease.

✅How does the heart work to pump blood throughout the body and why is it essential for overall health



The heart is the main organ of our body which pumps the blood to the whole body. There are four Chambers of the heart, atria and ventricles. During the cycle of heart beat, the heart fills with blood in the atria and the heart relexes. And then by squeezing the blood go into the ventricles. Then the ventricles contract, pump the blood from the heart to the arteries and then to all other parts of the body. The heart is very important for the over all health as it delivered nutrients and oxygen to our body's organs.

✅ the different types of heart diseases and risk factors that can lead to cardiovascular problems.


The types of heart disease are mentioned below. Coronary artery disease, arrhythmia, heart failure, congestive heart disease and valvular heart disease.The most common form of heart disease is the coronary artery disease. The blood vessels supply nutrients and the oxygen to the heart. When these blood vessels become narrow when there is a production of any plaque in the blood vessels. It can cause pain in the chest. The abnormal rhythms of the heart are called as arrhythmia. When the electric signals are disrupted that are able to control heart beat , the arrhythmia occurs. The arrhythmia condition required medical care as they can be life threatening.The valvular heart disease is that heart disease which can affect the heart valves. The heart valves leaked and create an affect on the blood flow. The SOB , edema in the region of ankle and foot are the symptoms of the valvular heart disease.
Hypertension is a major cause which can lead to the heart disease. Increase level of cholesterol produces plaque in the blood vessels and restrict the flow of blood. The smoking is also a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The diabetes can cause damage to the blood vessels and it increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. And the important risk factor is the family history. The risk of cardiovascular diseasea increases with increasing age and more common in males than females. The sedentary lifestyle is also a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

✅ What can be done to keep the heart healthy

A balanced diet plays in an important role in the well being of humans. The healthy diet such as vegetables, fruits, grains and protein should be a part of your healthy to live healthy. Engagement in regular physical activity has a significant impact on health. Activities like cycling and walking can be useful. Overweight can cause many serious health problems. Maintenance of healthy weight cannot cause risk of the heart disease. Don't smoke if you are smoking immediately stop it and consult your health care professionals.

I invite my friends

Best regards @jannat12

Thank you for reading my post.

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