"Wk 17 : The Diary Game and Your Health | My change of look (mandatory for health). / Mi cambio de look (obligatorio por salud)

in Healthy Steem4 months ago


Hello my dear friends of @HealthySteem and this pleasant contest run by @aaliarubab with the interesting topic of health. Today I come to talk to you about something that many will believe is superficial, but that has a lot to do with our health and even more so when we are under the threat of Cancer and we do not take it into account. The issue of hair coloring is something very important to take into account since these chemical products are harmful to our skin and our health.

I tell you that I started dyeing my hair when I was 12 years old when my mother had the idea of ​​applying Hydrogen Peroxide to my hair, which turned it into a blonde tone. Everyone in my house liked the change since with my light eyes the contrast looked very good.

For all of us who apply commercial dyes to our hair, we know that every 21 days we have to apply a new dye since the root that grows makes a big difference in color between our own and the one applied and this requires constant maintenance of the hair. hair as it can dry it out, make it fall out or cause some irritation. When you apply the first dye it leads you to an addiction that is difficult to let go of.


I confess that for about 4 years I was indecisive about whether to cut my hair, leave it the silver color of my gray hair or continue with the torture of painting since I could not resign myself to seeing my hair in silver as God intended.

But life had an ace up its sleeve and decided for me, when I found out that the Biopsy was positive for breast cancer, it was one of the first things the Doctor suggested: Zero permanent hair dyes. The dyes contain Ammonia and Formol, among other chemicals that are harmful to health and cause Cancer. I don't know if all of this led to my illness, but what I am sure of is that by eliminating them from my life I can help preserve my health for another long time.


This is one of the cases that lead to a disease that is almost silent and that no one notices because it goes unnoticed in our lives. This type of chemical is harmful to our health, but our vanity and always wanting to look well-groomed and the fear of showing our gray hair lead us to use this type of toxic ingredients that are not good for our health.


From now on I focus on my health, but what I can tell you is that I will let my hair grow a little longer, over my shoulders; since I don't like hair that short. And I will let my silver hair grow and I will wear it with pride because that is the sign that I have lived hard all this time and it is my hallmark of experience. There are many types of natural ingredients that can change the color of your hair such as chamomile, chocolate, coffee and even crepe paper is used to dye hair, I have seen it in blue. Do not use those dyes with those toxic ingredients that make you sick in the long run and end up damaging your health. Use the internet to learn about techniques and how to apply it to your life, for your health and for your good.

@patjewell @alisha-doll @oneray are invited to the contest.



Traduccion al Español:

Hola mis queridos amigos de @Healthy Steem y este agradable concurso que lleva @aaliarubab con el interesante tema de la salud. Hoy vengo a hablarles de algo que muchos creeran que es superficial, pero que tiene mucho que ver con nuestra salud y mas cuando se esta bajo la amenaza de Cancer y no tomamos en cuenta. El tema de la coloracion del cabello es algo muy importante a tomar en cuenta ya que esos productos quimicos son dañinos para nuestra piel y nuestra salud.

Les cuento que comence a pintarme el cabello a los 12 años de edad cuando a mi mama se le ocurrio la idea de aplicar en mi cabello Agua Oxigenada, esto lo torno de un tono rubio. A todos en mi casa les gusto el cambio ya que con mis ojos claros se veia muy bien el contraste.

Para todos aquellos que nos aplicamos tintes comerciales en el cabello sabemos que cada 21 dias hay que aplicar un nuevo tinte ya que la raiz que va creciendo va haciendo una diferencia grande de color entre el propio y el aplicado y esto requiere de un constante mantenimiento del cabello ya que lo puede resecar, hacer caer o producirnos alguna irritacion. Al aplicar el primer tinte te lleva a una adiccion de la cual es dificil de dejar de lado.

Les confieso que desde hace unos 4 años estaba con la indecision de si cortarme el cabello, dejarmelo del color plateado de mis canas o si continuaba con la tortura del pintado ya que no me resignaba a verme el cabello en plata como Dios manda.

Pero la vida tenia un az bajo la manga y decidio por mi, al enterarme de que la Biopsia dio positivo para Cancer de mama fue una de las primeras cosas que me sugirio el Doctor: Cero Tintes permanentes en el cabello. Los tintes contienen Amoniaco y Formol, entre otros quimicos dañinos para la salud que producen Cancer. No se si todo esto conllevo a mi enfermedad, pero de lo que si estoy segura es que eliminandolos de mi vida puedo ayudar a conservar mi salud por otro largo rato.

Este es uno de los casos que conducen a enfermedad que es casi silente y que nadie percive por lo desapercibido que pasa por nuestras vidas. Este tipo de quimico es perjudicial para la salud, pero nuestra vanidad y el querer vernos siempre bien arreglados y el miedo a mostrar nuestras canas nos llevan a usar esta clase de ingredientes toxicos que no nos hacen bien a nuestra salud.

En adelante me concentro en mi salud, pero lo que si puedo decirles es que dejare crecer mi cabello un poco mas, sobre los hombros; ya que no me gusta el cabello tan corto. Y dejare crecer mi cabello plateado y lo llevare con orgullo porque esa es la muestra de que he vivido arduamente todo este tiempo y es mi sello de experiencia. Hay muchos tipos de ingredientes naturales que pueden cambiar el color de tu cabello como la manzanilla, el chocolate, el cafe y hasta el papel crepe es usado para pintar el cabello, lo he visto en azul. No usen esos tintes con esos ingredientes toxicos que a la larga enferman y terminan dañando tu salud. Utiliza el internet para aprender sobre tecnicas y como aplicarlo a tu vida, por tu salud y por tu bien.


Thank you, friend!
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 4 months ago 

Thank you very much.

 4 months ago 

I hope you are well. I have seen your diary. I like your diary very much. You take good care of your hair. I am very happy to see it. I hope you continue to do the same. Will continue to work

I hope you are well, I have read your post and you have uploaded your pictures and your pictures are very attractive and you have managed your post very well. I hope you keep up your posts

 4 months ago 

Thank you very much friend.

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