Contest: Looking After Our Babies

in Healthy Steem28 days ago

Greetings everyone how are you all doing today it's another awesome day and I'm glad yo participate in this contest that @sahmie organized you did so well.


Why is breastfeeding good for babies and moms, and how does it help babies grow strong?

There are countless impressive positive effects of breastfeeding for both the mum and her baby which are supported by researchand this is because; breast milk contains nutrient that is required by the babies,; not forgetting the antibodies that help in shielding the babies from diseases. It also contains low fats; this makes it easily assimilated into the body where it fosters healthy growth and development in children. Besides, there are quality health benefits of breastfeeding; it can reduce sudden infant death syndrome, obesity among children, developmental heart diseases, and some chronic disorders in adulthood.

On the other hand, for mothers, breastfeeding can support postpartum healing through uterine contractions thus minimalizing postpartum bleeding. Additionally, it enhances mother-infant attachment and reduces the chances of getting postnatal depression.

Moreover breastfeeding can reduce incidence of some cancers like those of breast and ovary.Also, in terms of how nursing helps babies to grow strong enough to fend off any attack from malnutrition or diseases baby sustenance should have the balanced proportion of nutritional constituents such as proteins (which give muscles their strength), carbs (which provide energy), fats (used by the body for insulation), vitamins (helping cell structures) and minerals (such as calcium which makes bones strong).


Furthermore, it boosts the immune system by enhancing infants’ readiness for fighting off infection. The process of breastfeeding also contributes to oral muscle growth among infants thereby promoting coordination hence facilitating speech formation.

How can parents make sure their baby sleeps safely to avoid sudden bad things happening while they sleep?

First, back to Sleep always place your baby on their back to sleep both for naps and at night.

Another one is firm Sleep Surface try and use a firm mattress in a safety-approved crib, bassinet, or play yard and also try and avoid soft bedding, pillows, comforters or even stuffed animals in the sleep area.

Avoid Overheating alwy dress your baby in light sleep clothing and maintain a comfortable room temperature to prevent overheating.

And lastly is breastfeed If possible, breastfeed your baby because breastfeeding has been associated with reduced risk of SIDS.

So I believe by following these guidelines; parents can create a safe sleep environment for their baby and reduce the risk of sudden unexpected bad things happening while they sleep.

List out some ways to calm a crying baby, and why is it important to do it quickly?

Swaddling is also a method of calming babies: This involves wrapping the baby snugly in a cosy blanket to make them feel secure.

Hint number two is rocking: You may try rocking the baby gently.White noise: White noise such as shushing sounds, and nature-like contraptions are some of the tricks that can be used on infants that imitate environments similar to those of the womb which are very soothing.

Feeding: Crying from hunger is quite common among infants, so try feeding your baby.Change the diaper: A dirty or wet diaper can cause discomfort for an infant, so it’s vital to change it immediately.

List out and explain 4 things parents and siblings can do to keep babies at home safe.

Protection the home; from kids, families have to install safety latches on cupboards and drawers, cover all electrical outlets, put safety gates at the top and bottom of stairs and anchor furniture to the wall so that it does not tip over.

Carefulness: It can be dangerous to leave a baby alone like this one especially in such situations as on tables near water sources or pets.

Preventing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome : Those who are close to infant can lower the IOS by sleeping safely, such as parents as well as siblings. This involves placing babies on their back to sleep; having firm sleep surface with a fitted sheet; placing babies on their back to sleep; avoiding use of soft items and usually not using anything else other than a fitted sheet on the crib; Baby should not be too hot when placed to sleep.


First Aid and CPR Training: It so much necessary for the parents and sisters or brothers to be having some basic first aid and carrying out Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.. Knowing what to do in common baby accidents such as choking, drowning or burns can make all the difference in outcome thus having some basic knowledge about first aid will enable parents take appropriate actions fast at emergency scenes hence saving lives.

Why do babies need immunization, and how do these imminagation keep babies healthy?

I think you are referring to immunizations, not “imminagations”. Immunizations, which are also known as vaccinations for babies are necessary as they safeguard them from dire and might be mortal infections. Immunizations do this by introducing the weakened or killed version of a specific pathogen (virus or bacteria) into the body.

So when babies receive immunizations, they create resistance to different maladies without really feeling sick at all.

Thanks for reading my post I'm inviting @eluustanley, @joymm and @emmy01 to participate in this contest.

 26 days ago 

Hi dear @entity01.
Hope you are fine. I'm safe and sound too Alhamdulillah. Yes, no doubt breastfeeding can reduce incidence of some cancers like those of breast and ovary. As it strengthen the immunity system of the baby. And immunization is also important for the health of a baby as it makes the immune system strong ro fight with diseases in the future. Best of luck for contest.

 26 days ago 

Thanks so much for your comment I really appreciate

 26 days ago 

Welcome 😁

 26 days ago 


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Hi @entity01,
my name is @ilnegro and I voted your post using

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 25 days ago 


 25 days ago 

You've clearly stated the importance of breastfeeding and how babies should be pacified. I must say you have done justice to the topic making important points. Best wishes.

 25 days ago 

Thanks for your kind comment I appreciate.

 24 days ago 

My pleasure!

 24 days ago 


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