Contest! // Headache

in Healthy Steem29 days ago

Greetings everyone it's another amazing day and today I'm happy to participate in this interesting contest that @khursheedanwar organized thanks.


What cause you headache primarily in your life?

Headache is something that i don't like at all anytime that I'm having headache I will feel like I'm going to die and what normally causes me headache is when I'm in a nosey place i will not be comfortable at all sometimes i will feel like my head is going to fall off from my body 😂 and another thing is lack of sleep anytime i work through out the night in the morning i will be having headache .

And again is stress when I overstressed myself especially under the sun I will be feeling headache and lastly is my phone once the brightness 🔅 is high it affects my eyes and the go straight to my brain and it will be causing headache for me.

What you do personally to get relief from headache?

Me what i normally do yo get relief from headache is staying hydrated yes because dehydration can often lead to headaches, so I make sure I'm drinking enough water throughout the day and also practice relaxation techniques because stress and tension can trigger headaches as I said before so me practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation will help alleviate symptoms.

And Getting enough sleep this days i don't really work through out the night again i have try and minimize it but anytime I want to work throughout the night I will try and have a nap in the afternoon so that it will help me stay active for sometime without me forcing myself so i try sleeping for 7-9 hours each night which is good for my health.


Also I manage my stress as I said that stress causes me headache so I try to manage it by exercising my body and making it as a hobbies and it helps reduce me the headache frequency and when I'm having headache I also apply a cold to my head or something in my neck and it help relieve the headache pain by numbing the area or improving blood flow and if it doesn't stop because sometimes they will be a headache that will require drugs so I do also consider over-the-counter remedies such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen to help alleviate the headache symptoms.


So my dear friend's by incorporating these strategies too into your routine I believe you may find relief from headaches too and improve your overall quality of life thanks for reading my post.

I'm inviting @josepha , @emmy01 and @mesola to participate in this contest.


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