HS Contest 2- Your And Your Health

in Healthy Steem9 months ago (edited)

Obesity is like a health doom that's looming over the society and it habitants tossing darkness on our well being, health and welfare. It presence seems hard to be seen or noticed but it effects are all around us. It is more like about our quality of life not just about weight. Join me as we delve into this topic of concern....

What do you think about Obesity


Take into imagination a street with beautiful buildings made of sugar, trees emitting honey, paths coated with tasty chocolates. Also imagine been weighed down by all these sweetness day by day. That's what obesity looks likes, too much of good things with results of heavy burden...

Generally, obesity is a health condition that comes as a result of excessive presence or accumulation of fats in the body. Obesity is caused Mostly by different factors such as environment, behaviors and genetics. Some people are most likely to become obese because of their gene (heredity) while some are eventually obese as a result of lifestyle and surrounding. The most concerned and concentrated factor is that of lifestyle and environments which includes the possible availability of unhealthy food, passive lifestyle and lack of balanced or healthy foods..

Can You Tell Us three causes of Obesity?


As i earlier stated, obesity can occur through:-

  1. Heredity(genetics): Absolutely yes, there are various factors responsible for obesity which genetics is among. A proven example States that one's gene can affect his/her body's metabolic process giving ease to gain or loose weight. Genetics in Obesity is like a puzzle. Some times, The gene affects the brain making a person exhibit behaviors that may lead to weight gain...
  2. Environmental factors: Our present living surrounding or environment also affect our health. In reference to obesity it is the availability of unhealthy food and lack of healthy food. In an environment where the presence of fresh fruits and vegetables are difficult to find, the possibility of gaining weight is high.
  3. Behavior: Mostly centered on the eating habit or behavior of a person. The type of food people take in, also contributes to Obesity. Sugary and processed foods, enhance weight gain. Foods, drinks such as soda, contains high amount of calories and low nutrients deposited into the body. Carbohydrates that are refined, when taken are digested and turned into sugar. Other behaviors May include sleep deprivation and stress....

What are the waus to prevent obesity?


One major cause of Obesity is consuming calories without taking up physical activities to burn out fat...
The preventive measures are simple.
• Very importantly, Eat healthy and balanced meal containing the adequate nutrients, eat fruits and vegetables and avoid consuming calories....
• Take up to habits of regular physical exercises and activities.
• Have good sleep ans stress free...


On a whole, obesity is a Very challenging issue with many influential factors, but there are few things we can do it avoid and handle it. Through making advantageous healthy choices keeping our overall health safe. Let's us join hands to make this world safe....

Thanks for reading

I invite @jozzie90 @bossj23 @emmyjnr and @adunni to participate



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 9 months ago 

Obesity, can make someone to look, like an amoeba. You have written well sir. I wish you best of luck.

 9 months ago 


 9 months ago 

My friend, do you know I just get to realize that Obesity can be hereditary. I am just so amazed with your overall presentation of this.
Resting as well can help build up a good healthy lifestyle.

Best of luck to you.

 9 months ago 

Thanks bro

 9 months ago 

Greetings friend, very good publication talking about this very important topic. That's right, obesity is serious because it affects people's health and quality of life. There are many factors that cause this, but if we have good eating and exercise habits, we can certainly avoid it. Many successes in the contest, blessings!!

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