Contest - Alcohol And Your Health

in Healthy Steem9 months ago (edited)


For decades now, alcohol has been used and consumed for medicinal, ritualistic and festive purposes. Alcohol is classified as a beverage, providing a sustenance and also a drug,( a psychoactive drug specifically) which primarily tamper with the functionality of the brain. Alcohol in chemistry is known as group of corresponding organic compounds. In beverages, it is known as ethanol (hydroxyl OH) gotten from the fermentation process of yeast. Join me as I discuss about the contest topic Alcohol and your health published by @sahmie.

What is alcohol?


Alcohol, is a psychoactive drug/substance made up of similar chemical organic compounds. A psychoactive drug is a drug that reacts to the brain when taken. It (alcohol) is formed by the fermentation of yeast in sugar, grain and even fruits or vegetables. Scientifically, alcohol is a liquid that consists of brewed hydrocarbons also known as ethanol. For centuries, it has been used in many countries around the world in culture, festivity and medicine.

What can you tell us about alcoholism


Alcoholism is the inability to maintain and control the intake of alcohol due to the physical and mental dependence. It is a chronic disease merged up with addiction. It can also be called alcohol use disorder, alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence. It's is stated that there are over 1.6 million cases of alcoholism yearly in Nigeria.This chronic disease, is categorized into three stages.
★ Mild
★ Moderate and

This situation does not have a cure, but treatment may help...

What part does alcohol play in your culture?

I come fron the northern part of Nigeria, specifically the middle belt / north central. In my culture alcohol serves a purpose in celebration, in occasion such as wedding ceremony, festivals and even personal pleasure. They are locally made beverages from the palm tree called palm wine. Some are made from the fermentation of millet and guinea corn drink. All these drinks are associated with ancient traditions and customs.

Is alcohol useful to human medically? Give reasons

The truth is that, no human being on earth, needs alcohol to survive. Regardless of what we've been hearing, alcohol is not a necessity in our diet. Taking it, is meant for, cultural purposes, relaxation, celebration or to socialize as the case may be..... In some health conditions dealing with injuries, alcohols which are not suitable for consumption are used for disinfecting the cut or so. We consume ethanol everyday but in a low quantity and cannot be compared to the raw or synthetic alcoholic drinks which are high in ethanol.

Scientifically, alcohol was proven to have the ability to reduce the risk of cardiovascular and heart diseases when taken in moderate quantity. Some people may misuse the opportunity of taking the alcohol for it said health benefit resulting into alcoholism. I don't actually accept or rather believe this statement, because there are other effective ways to keep your heart healthy which can be through eating a good, balanced and heart-healthy diet, manage stress and get quality sleep.....

What are the health implications of alcohol to human health?


The health implications of alcohol to the human health are chronic diseases. There are numerous health implications but I'll list a few of them.

  1. Heart related diseases such as high blood pressure, heart attack and heart damage.
  2. Brain related conditions such as stroke, brain damage and dementia.
  3. Liver failure, cirrhosis of the liver.
  4. Cancer of the breast, mouth, liver etc.
  5. Digestive problems.


In conclusion, alcohol is not a common product. While it bears significance of sociability and pleasure in the mind of many, the harmful consequences of it use are destructive. You're now aware that drinking alcohol is advisable for a healthy living.

Beware! And stay safe.....

Thank you for your time in reading my article today....

I invite @bossj23, @deetalka6, @samuelnkenta and @bettymikki to participate.....


 9 months ago 

Thank you @emmy01 for your invitation to participate in this contest. I'm looking towards that. From your write-up or should I say your commitment to this week contest on Alcohol and Your Health.

I think you need to re-edits your work, as there are few incorrect words not well spelled. Instead of conclusion, you wrote concussion. And some other lines not well arranged as binded with Markdown Styling Préférence.

Then, from your fourth question, you said that human survival do not require Alcohol of which I magestically buy into. But, in this contemporary, majority of what we consume as humans are alcoholic in nature.

So to that extent what advice can you tell a layman residing in a thatch structure and in dependent on such conception?

Medically speaking before a patient is attended to, some amount of alcohol is applied on the targeted part where the injection would be carried out to soften and dilute the cartilages of the muscles surrounding the endocarp. To this extents, Is your writing saying that alcohol medically is a non-perequisite or relevants???

I will love to hear from you Sir. Thank you and I wish best of luck


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