Contest !! ||AIDS awareness

in Healthy Steem2 months ago


Hello my sweet steemians fellows this is @emishael blog.I hope you guys are fine and ready to participate in this heart touching contest titled:
"Contest!!||AIDS awareness" organised by @khursheedanwar. I'll be glad to read your entries as well
Lets start👇🏿

What do you know about AIDS causes?

is one of the deathly deseases that can get into our body. With the red colour I indicated on the Aids will makes you see how dangerous is it and it is matured from HIV in the body.

HIV is a tiny🤌 germ that can make the body causes sickness and it is the particular germs that causes AIDS. These are the ways HIV can get into our body which can matured to Aids:👇

  • Through Sex: 👥Having sex, with someone who has HIV and both using something like a condom, it can simply let the germs get into our body.

  • Through Equipment: Using something like razorblade or needle 💉or any other sharp objects used already by someone with HIV can make us contact it as well.

  • Through Birth: Parents can can pass it to their baby when the baby is still inside the womb🤰 when the baby is being born, or when the mother is feeding the baby with her milk as the case might be .🤱


What do you know about aids treatment?

There are treatment for Aids but I haven't heard of the cure yet these are the treatment:


  • Medicines: Many People with HIV take special certified medicines called ART (antiretroviral therapy). These medicines are very good at controlling the virus and reducing Thier risk .They worked together to stop HIV from growing inside the body. With these medicine it helps people feel better and live longer than people which haven't take the medicine.


  • Healthy diet food: Eating the healthy and right food is important. Foods like fruits, vegetables, chicken, and fish are good for the body to fight the germs. They help make the body strong and able to fight off the sickness.


  • Doctor’s help: Seeing a doctor often is another treatment because the doctor checks how the person is doing and makes sure the medicines are working well and right. If something is not right, then the doctor can change the medicine to another one.


  • Blood tests: When someone with Aids do this tests ,it tell how much virus is in the blood,and how to make the virus so low that it can’t be seen in the tests. The test is really good because it means the virus can be control.


  • Taking care: It is good and mportant to take the medicines exactly as the doctor says. Because This helps to keep the virus silent and make the person healthy.


  • Support: Having friends or family to talk to can help too . They can give support and help and remembering the Aids patient to take medicines daily and as prescribe by the doctor.

But let's have in mine that there’s no cure for AIDS yet, but these treatments help a lot. They make it possible for people with HIV to have a good life. Remember, starting treatment early, following the doctor’s advice is the best way to stay healthy.


What did you know about it Aids preventive measures?

Almost everybody knows this first preventive measures which is👇

  • Use Condoms: Condoms 🔞are like a barrier. It keep Aids from passing during sex even thoe the opposite sex as it.
    And there are other preventive measures too👇

  • Don’t Share Needles: If we use needles for medicine or tattoos, we shouldn't don’t share them.

  • Medicine Before Exposure (PrEP): Yes medicine before exposure this pills stop HIV from getting into the body to the point of bringing Aids. The pills can be taken every day to helps stop HIV from entering the body.
    Opps! You might think that you just got the germs by mistake and it's not long yet, what can you do?
    Here is the help👇

  • Medicine AfterExposure (PEP): If you think you have been near HIV, there’s a medicine you can take right away to help stop it which can be prescribed by a doctor.

  • Check-Ups: Regular doctor visits and tests can catch Aids early, which is good for treatment.
    If You Have HIV: Taking your HIV medicine can lower the chance of maturing to Aids.

My dear readers remember prevention is better than cure let's all just try to prevent our selfs from this deathly diseases call AIDS by having protected sex,not sharing Sharp object,and seeing doctor often for test.

Thanks all for reading

I'll like to invite: @bossj23,
@mhizta,@charter and
@nsijoro to participate


 2 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

AIDS is @ deadly disease cause by and it's can be transmitted through blood transfusion, through sexual intercourse and fluid. Though the cure has not yet be discovered but the uses of drug help to reduce the effects of AIDS in the body.
thank you for the invite

 2 months ago 

You got the point bro thanks for passing by

 2 months ago 

Knowing and talking about this disease is very important, because it is not something alarming but it is necessary to know. Some people think that it is something of instant death but in reality it is not so, unless it is a total carelessness by the infected person.

And it can be transmitted not only by sexual diseases, but also by cutting oneself with something that is contaminated, such as a blade or a needle, or simply by "inheritance" from father or mother or if the mother gets sick in the process.

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