in Healthy Steem9 months ago

Hi, Greetings. How are you guys doing? I'm equally doing great. I really appreciate @khursheedanwar for his efforts for organising this amazing context in HEALTHY STEEM community. I urge my friends @mesola @the-gorilla @me-tarzan @dove11 to also engage in this context.


Sometimes, we think that morning walkout and evening walks are the same thing but do not know that they have different roles. Morning Walks 🚶‍♂️ boost productivity, energy ,metabolism, and quality sleep. While evening walks offer digestion and social bonding , it can also help decompress and relax after a long day ,They both are nice, but it depends on your own choice. Moving to the main question.


  1. It helps me relive joint stiffness, control my blood sugar and enhance blood flow to brain nerve cells, and equally strengthen your muscles 💪 and bones.
  2. It improves my memory and lowers the risks of dementia.
  3. it helps me to lose weight.
  4. it improves mental health by getting yourself involved in exercise. Just at least 20 minutes of jogging 🏃‍♂️ every morning can boost your mood and improve your fitness



How i made it part of my routine is that I usually set my alarm to enable me to wake up from sleep on time. I equally have a friend that i walk out with because it keeps me motivated. He always remains me in the evening about our morning jogging 🏃‍♂️. I do make my arrangements in the night ahead of the next morning so that it will be easier for me when i wake up. It's not really easy to wake up in the morning at early as 05:30 am and go for a morning walkout. Walkout in the morning is like my first breakfast 😋 and I love going with an empty stomach. During my secondary time, my biology teacher taught us that it helps to improve insulin sensitivity, assisting in better blood control. Of which, I later make enquiry from health gurus and confirmed it's true.

Thanks for your time reading this post , I believe that at this point, you can be able to improve more in morning walks or jogging 🏃‍♀️. Exercise matters a lot in human health.

 9 months ago 

Wow you really point out a lot of points.
Truely morning walk brings a lot of benefits to us .
Let me just it is our enhancer,our booster and our medicine 💊
Best luck in the contest dear friend 🤝

Sebelum jalan pagi, minumlah segelas air putih, agar keringatmu keluar kawan.

Alright, thanks for your point i will be doing that now .

 9 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!🤗

Te felicito por acoplarte al hábito de la caminata porque, a través de esta actividad mantienes al margen de ti muchas enfermedades que pueden perturbar tu bienestar.

He leído que caminar en la mañana, es ganar un año más de vida así que, lo estás haciendo muy bien amigo.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

You've given us a wonderful explanation of morning and evening walk.
You're right when you said morning walk makes us feel stronger and also boost our energy, myself i do prefer morning walk than evening walk because it make me to be refreshed.

You've made this your daily routine by setting an alarm ⏰️ in your mobile phone which makes you to wake up very early in the morning to go for your normal walk.

I wish you success in this challenge, do have a nice day 😊

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