Steemit Engagement Challenge / S11W2 - “The worst enemy, sugar."

in Healthy Steemlast year


It is my pleasure to take part int his health week contest, I like this topic and I like writing on it as it is a common issue that affect majority in the world today due to our lifestyle but yet it can be controlled as well as prevented. To begin, let us understand the meaning of diabetes and sugar.

Diabetes mellitus; is a disorder in the body cause by less production of insulin from our pancreas or when our body cannot make use of the insulin it produces effectively, this causes blood sugar (glucose) levels to be very high which is not normal. Please note that insulin is a hormone in the body that regulates blood glucose.

Let's consider why it is our worst enemy

Do you know how much sugar you consume per day?

Naturally I consume sugar every day due to the type of food that is affordable over here which is carbohydrates. So for a person to eat food in a day it means there will always be a portion of carbohydrates consume each day which is sugar itself. The end product of carbohydrates is glucose (sugar) and as such excess consumption of it results in diabetes. So it doesn't only mean eating of raw sugar but consumption of any food that has sugar.

Example of carbohydrates;

  • Rice
  • Fufu(made from cassava)
  • Garri (made from cassava)
  • Any food or snacks with flour
  • Yam
  • Corn


So if we are consuming this on a daily basis, our portion should be considered to avoid stories that touches the heart.

⚕️ Do you have a family member who has problems with diabetes?

Glucometeter, strip and Lancet, tools for diabetes test

Yes I have, diabetes is not a curable health condition but it is a condition that is managed for a life time therefore one has to be careful with how he or she consume any food that can cause diabetes.

I try coaching them on their lifestyle to help reduce the sugar levels, it is not easy but then they have to move on with it.

They eat more of fiber content food, low carbohydrate and more of vegetables and protein to maintain their health

⚕️ Have you had a problem with sugar?

No I don't have, but then it is a genetic so I need to be careful in my diet and exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight and eat healthy food to reduce the risk of having it.


From my experience, managing diabetes is very expensive so living a healthy life to prevent it is what should be done even though the food is really expensive, exercise is affordable we can do it. personally I avoid some junk food that can lead to diabetes.

⚕️ What do you think about sugar as the worst enemy?

Well, it is because is caused a lot of damages in the body. Once it shows up, it last for a lifetime and so with this regard it is our worst enemy, we eat sweet things but it later results in a lifetime illness so we need to avoid food or a lifestyle that triggers sugar problem in our body.


Considering the complications of high sugar level in our body I rate it as our enemy because once it set in a door is open for all this complications.

Diabetes can be controlled as well as it can be prevented so do not panic every decision or choice of a healthy living depends on us.



 last year 

¡Saludos amiga!🤗

Estamos conscientes que, todas las enfermedades son muy peligrosas pero, con la diabetes, muchas veces se ha cometido el error de subestimarla y, esto ha sido dañino para nosotros ya que, es una enfermedad muy agresiva y a pesar de que se puede controlar, si hay un error de cálculo en el consumo del azúcar, todo se nos va a complicar.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica. Un fuerte abrazo💚

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @scilwa, which is a curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community. We can also be found on our hive community & peakd as well as on my Discord Server

Manually curated by @ abiga554

Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @scilwa. También puedo ser encontrado en nuestra comunidad de colmena y Peakd así como en mi servidor de discordia

I wish for a time when diabetes would be no more...., I can't count the lost from that disorder....and thanks for your caoching...

Good content!

 last year 

Consuming sugar in moderation will help us avoid the dangers that come with sugar. We can't function well without sugar, as it would results in low sugar which is also a problem.
Thanks for the nutrition tips.

 last year 

Hi dear
Wow.. you are insightful about this topic. Your entry is seem as very interesting becuse of your knowledge. White sugar is a poison for our health. Good luck with the contest.

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