Breaking Bad Habits

in Healthy Steem3 months ago (edited)

Hello guys, I am so happy to participate in this beautiful steemit4kids & parent contest.

What are some bad habits that are hard to stop, and why is it tough to quit them?



As a person, there must be an habit that you will be found of doing and once this habit is deep into you or has been part of you, it used to be difficult as a person to quit from those habits.

For example, I am found of drinking cold drinks, be it water or soft drinks and it has been Part of Me for long even though most times it used to cause problems for me like shivering and Qatar influencer but yet I find it so difficult to avoid cold drinks. so most times we do that know those things or habit will cause problem to our health but yet we enjoy doing them for pleasure.

Most of those things that we do that causes health problems to us are things that when doing them we derive joy in doing them and at that point of doing them we normally feel as if the body needs it because the flesh will derive its pleasure but the body system suffers the consequencies.

The only thing a person can do to quit from doing those things that can cause harm to our health that is part of our habit is by forcing yourself to stop doing those things no matter how hot you might feel and when you do this with time you will gradually stop doing it completely

How can we tell if a habit is just a habit or if it's more like an addiction? And what can we do to break them?



When a habit is part of someone and you know that it is capable of causing harm to that person what you need to do is to try your best as a gentle person to go close to the person involve in the Habit, try to make the person your friend, try to make the person looked at you as his or her best friend so that in the process of telling him or her or advicing the person to stop the bad habit, you will be able to find it easy and very smooth to communionnnnate with the person.

Another thing is that, make sure you try to ask the person why he or she is involve in that particular habit because in my country Nigeria most people that drinks serious alm alkahol, if you ask them, they normally said that they are taking the alcohol because of too much problems.

For example, if a person should tell you that is because of too much problem that is making him/her to involved in that habit, you will try to take good time and advise the person about the better tomorrow and also give some instances and give hope that will encourage the person to stop the bad habit.

What are some challenges that people might face when trying to quit bad habits, and how can they overcome them?



As a person when you are addicted to a particular habit and along the way you noticed or somebody advised you about the danger of the habit and you decided to see reasons with the person that advised you and you decided to stop, definitely there are some challenges that you will face in your journey of trying to quit the Habit

For example, I am addicted to cold drinks and each time I'm thirsty and I'm not able to get a cold drink to drink and I went ahead to drink a normal water. after I finish drinking I used to feel as if I didnt drink anything and my throat will keep Drying until I drink a cold drink.

Also, for people that are involved in drinking alcohol I noticed that each time they are testing for alcohol and the alcohol is not close to them I used to notice that they will keep pouring spit until they find it and drink before they will get theirselve.

How can we support and encourage others to quit their bad habits without being judgmental or pushy?



When a person is into bad habit that is not good and that can cause harm to his or her health and you really want the person to quit the bad habit and to maintain a good state of health condition all you need to do is to make sure you go close to the person, try to say the implications and risk attach to the bad habit. you don't have to say it aggressively or pushy wah but in a very calm manner because if your go to the person in an aggressive manner, the person will definitely react back at you.

I want to invite @josepha @dave-hanny and @simonnwigwe

#hsc-sahmie13 #steemexclusive #club5050 #nigeria #burnsteem


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