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RE: SEC-S16 / W5 | " Ancient Medicine"🌍👩⚕️

in Healthy Steem3 months ago

Indian historic medicine, mainly Ayurveda, represents a wealthy way of life of holistic restoration that has stood the check of time.

Oh yeah, Ayurveda has been around for thousands of years, and it's amazing how it's still relevant today. It reminds me of when my grandma used to make homemade remedies for common ailments like coughs and colds. She believed in the power of natural ingredients to heal the body, and I think there's something really special about that approach to medicine.

Ayurveda's concepts provide precious insights into keeping properly-being and preventing illness.

I agree that Ayurveda offers valuable insights into maintaining good health and preventing diseases. It's like how my mom always used to say that "prevention is better than cure." I think there's a lot we can learn from Ayurvedic principles about living a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Each herb possesses specific houses and is used to deal with specific ailments.

It's interesting how each herb has its own unique properties and benefits. I remember when I had a sore throat, my mom would make me drink hot water infused with ginger and honey, and it always helped soothe my throat. It's like nature provides us with everything we need to take care of our health if we know how to use it wisely.

All the best

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