Steemit Engagement Challenge / S11W2 - “The worst enemy, sugar."

in Healthy Steem10 months ago (edited)

Hi everyone hope you are doing great i am also good, today i am going to participate in another informative contest hence its really need we should aware about our worst health enemy the topic is really need of the day, Steemit Engagement Challenge / S11W2 - “The worst enemy, sugar.


Do you know how much sugar you consume per day?

Sugar is real sweetness of life but no doubt its worst enemy too if we didn't know how much we should eat it daily, obviously most of us don't know about it. We are putting large amout of sugar in tea, coffee, eating sweet fruit like mango etc and in our daily meal roti breaf even we are eating too much sugar daily.

Well!!! Being woman i should can consume about 6 teaspoons of sugar that is about 25 gram and man can take around 9 teaspoon sugar 36 gram, but i guess i take it equilibrium because i do alot of activities daily and long walk too, so if i had accidentally take ecxess amout obviously its broken down and digested. Moreover i tried to saty away from cold drink, chocolates and cakes because no doubt they had large amout of sugar inside.

Do you have any relatives with diabetes?

Yeah, one of my aunt was suffering from diabetes and thank God now she is good. But you know it was really hard to understand her for changing lifestyle and leaving sweets from the life.

You know when we have to understand the patients to restrict about certain thinfa they wanted more. I guess my aunt thought i am her enemy not sugar but despite all this i made her understand. She started walk and changed life style and eating habits now she ia good and her sugar is controlled. As she was not chronic but at early stage and was not much obese too.

Have you had a problem with sugar?

Thank God i have no problem with sugar but i knew very well how much it can be fatal for life so i always keen about my living style and moreover eating habits.

Perhaps its upto us either we want to live healthy by eating healthy or live ill while eating too much sugar, so decision is in our oen hand. Being knowing about its threatened effects; i always take sugar in moderate amout so that it can not be life risky.

What do you think of sugar as the worst enemy?

Yeah i am well aware about the adverse effects of sugar and diabetes and how fastly it eneded up the life. I have seen many people who are suffering from diabetes now they are facing brain stroke paralyzed life.

I always well aware my community people about the adverse effects of sugar thank God people hear me and lso following the healthy eating style.

Moreover i always recommend myself and other regularly check up so that i knew either i am healthy or not.

This is all about my today's participation

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I would like to invite ky dear friends @suboohi, @mdkamran99 and @m-fdo to take part in [Steemit Engagement Challenge / S11W2 - “The worst enemy, Sugar."]( s11w2-the-worst-enemy-sugar)


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 10 months ago 

Tienes muchos conocimientos sobre el daño que ocasiona el azúcar en nuestro organismo, como ya pasaste por una etapa con tu tía que logró controlar su diabetes a tiempo, conoces todas las complicaciones de esta enfermedad,orientas a las personas de tu comunidad lo que me parece una muy buena acción, debemos ser concientes demos daños que nos puede ocasionar consumir azúcar en exceso, mucha suerte en tu participación amiga


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