Contest: Decoding Hospital Fear

in Healthy Steem6 months ago

pexels-photo-3279197-01.jpegsources. edit by @dazzle55

Hello, Good day everyone on this community It my happiness to be here once again . My name is @dazzle55, today I will be writing about a contest organized by @sahmie namely decoding hospital fear.
Have you ever been scared of going to the hospital? What made you feel that way

I would like to lie here going to hospital is one of the biggest fear I ever had and I don't think I will overcome any day soon actually what make the fear in my is the environment, the meditation and taking of drugs are the common fear in me

Can you think of any common things that might make people afraid of hospitals?

They are many common things people see that make them to be fearful of going to the hospital for example as I say before taking of drugs.
Many people are scared of taking medicine which can cause a lot of fear in the person from going to the hospital

What parts of the hospital environment do you find intimidating or scary?

Going to hospital in general is one thing am afraid of, but the is one part in hospital way the normally give treatment to people that have injuries such as motor accident, cutting and many more am totally scared of going they because not in good terms of seeing blood and wounds


How do you think doctors and nurses can help make patients feel less scared?

Doctors and nurses can help patients to overcome or feel less scared of their fear by telling patient what exactly what the process will take, by making the patient to ask questions about what is going on, making sure patients feel comfortable and as relaxed as possible before any procedures, give possible advise to patient for his own safety.

Do you have any ideas on how someone can overcome their fears of the hospital?

Open communication can help someone to overcome fear in hospital by talking to someone make the person to feel that the is someone besides him or her for her safety also putting away all mindset that has to do with fear of the hospital environment.

I will like to invite
To participate in this contest.

Cc. @sahmie

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