Contest !! ||Processed food and health.

in Healthy Steem3 months ago
Assalamualaikum dear brothers and sisters

Hope you all are doing well and good and enjoying the best days of your life. im @danish578 from Pakistan and you are reading my bloq On steemit platform.You all are welcome here with my deep of heart.

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This is my participation in a contest Contest !! ||Processed food and health. organized in Healthy Steem Community
by @khursheedanwar

Write names of any ten processed foods and what you know about processed food?

Assalamualaykum, friends. Before telling you about 10 processed foods, I would like to tell you that what is processed foods . Processed food are those snacks and meals that you buy from the store. I just hope that you would have understood this one thing, but with a better explanation you will understand it even more easily. These include things like chips that we buy from shops, canned soups, instant noodles, and frozen pizza or packed burger etc.

These are very convenient when you are in a hurry but it is not always right to eat them as they often contain extra sugars, which are very harmful for humans, and thus also contain extra salt and fats. So it's okay to enjoy them occasionally but it's important to balance them with fresh things like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. If you want to be healthy along with taste then this balanced diet is very good for you.

I would now like to tell you about 10 such processed foods that I know about.

  1. Chips
  2. Instant noodles (Maggie, Knorr)
  3. Canned soups (Knorr, Shan)
  4. Frozen pizza (Pizza Hut, Big Thick Burgerz)
  5. Instant pasta (Knorr, Shan)
  6. Canned fruits (National, Green's)
  7. Packaged biscuits (LU, Peek Freans)
  8. Packaged cakes (Butlers, Fresher)
  9. Packaged juices (Pakola, Rooh Afza)
  10. Ready-to-eat meals (Shan, Knorr)
How processed food are for our health?(Healthy or unhealthy).

The effect of prepared foods on the body is different according to the varying degrees and selection methods. While some ready meals do contain essential ingredients and can form part of a necessary diet, others are more important for health as they tend to contain higher amounts of sugars as i mentioned all these things in first question and contain higher amount of deep health fats, and artificial ingredients.

Generally if talk about healthy or non-healthy then eating too much readymade food which is high in quantity of sweets, salt, and deep fat increases the oiliness of the stomach, deep fat gets absorbed in the stomach and is responsible for various healthy issues like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. yes. On the other hand, less prepared foods which are made from natural ingredients are generally healthier options.

How much processed food you utilize on weekly basis?

If I talk about myself, I generally consume a little bit of readymade food in a week like masala, ready dal, canned vegetables, and packaged snacks. And the reason for this is that I don't like them that much. By the way, I like Lays chips a lot but considering the disadvantages, I don't consume them that much. And even if I do consume it, I try not to consume it more than the limit and I consume mostly fresh and prepared food for my health.

I'm Inviting @steemdoctor1, @malikusman1 @saintkelvin17 @chasad75
for participate in this contest.

My Achievement 1 Link

Thank you for visiting my post

 3 months ago 

Greetings @danish578

Greetings @

Of course consuming processed foods is not bad, the important thing is to control the amount you eat, because if you eat too much, it can be harmful in the short or long term. But whenever you can it is better to consume natural and fresh foods because these will bring much more to our body and we will not hurt or anything like that, unless we are allergic to any food hehehe

Good luck bro you are well

 3 months ago 

Obviously fresh foods doesn't contain any extra fat

 3 months ago 

Thank you for sharing your post. Consuming processed foods regularly can predispose one to illnesses.

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