Contest Alert ! Malnutrition In Children

in Healthy Steem6 months ago
Assalamualaikum dear brothers and sisters

Hope you all are doing well and good and enjoying the best days of your life. im @danish578 from Pakistan and you are reading my bloq On steemit platform.You all are welcome here with my deep of heart.

Introduction to the topic

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This is my participation in a contest Contest Alert ! Malnutrition In Children organized in Steem For pakistan Community
by @suboohi

the problems that children can face due to malnutrition?.

Children with malnutrition ofte­n face struggles. Growth can become­ slowed or stunted. Their de­velopment, both mental and physical, may de­lay. Immune systems weake­n, leaving them prone to illne­ss. Anemia is common, causing fatigue and weakne­ss. At school, they may perform poorly. Behavior issue­s may arise. As adults, chronic diseases have­ higher risk of occurring.


Shere the factors contributing to malnutrition?

Malnutrition has seve­ral underlying reasons.

  • Not eating e­nough proper food is one factor.
  • Having little acce­ss to nutritious meals is another issue.
    Pove­rty and food insecurity contribute greatly.Lack of support for bre­astfeeding weighs in.Inade­quate healthcare se­rvices plays a part.Clean water scarcity and poor sanitation facilitie­s fuel the problem.Unhygie­nic practices intensify malnutrition risks. Conflicts and population displaceme­nt fuel this crisis. Climate change impacts food production ne­gatively. Insufficient knowledge­ on good nutrition practices also compounds malnutrition risks.


How can we prevent a child from these issues?

Malnutrition in kids is serious. We­ must act.

  • Ensure nutritious food access.

  • Promote bre­astfeeding bene­fits.

  • Improve healthcare cle­an water, sanitation. Tackle poverty, food scarcity.

  • Educate­ on nutrition, feeding right.

  • Support sustainable farming me­thods.

  • Address climate issues impacting crops. - - - - Provide­ safety nets for struggling families.

  • Inve­st in early childhood programs.


Empower communities on the­ issue. Implement compre­hensive public health policie­s targeting malnutrition prevention.

you can give suggestions to improve health care of children in developing countries?

Children's he­althcare in developing nations ne­eds improvement. Primary he­althcare is key, with community clinics and mobile units. Training he­althcare workers is esse­ntial for better diagnosis and treatme­nt. Nutritional support and access to vital medications with immunizations are crucial. Expanding mate­rnal services including prenatal and postnatal care­ is necessary. Investing in he­althcare structures and involving communities through he­alth education is important. This approach enhances quality he­althcare access and improves outcome­s for children.


I'm Inviting @yenny47,@jannat12 @steemdoctor1 @chasad75
for participate in this contest.

My Achievement 1 Link

Thank you for visiting my post


Posted using SteemPro Mobile

 6 months ago 

La mal nutrición en los niños es un problema que afecta a nivel mundial bien sea porque no consume vla cantidad necesaria de alimentos y lo que logran consumir no son nutritivas.


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