Contest: Food is Medicine

in Healthy Steem4 months ago

Hello everyone I hope you are all ok and enjoy the good life by the grace of Allah Almighty I am here for participate in the amazing contest which organised by the @shamie the name of this contest is Food is medicine so let's start;


Picture is taken from Freepik

Do you believe that the foods we eat have medicinal value?

Yes of course our food also carry the medicinal value that have of benefits in regards to our health.Foods are rich in minerals , vitamins, protein and also a lot antioxidants that prevent the chronic diseases among the society.

Food that is mostly recommend by the doctors to use including the fatty fish since they have less information and hence no exposure to sickness such as the heart disease. Probiotic foods have the positive impact in terms of digestion and body immune systems among persons.


Picture is taken from Freepik

It is really important to note that low glycemic foods are food for diabetic. Healthy food such as oats and and nuts helps to reduce cardiovascular disease while vegetables and turmeric contain compound which has substance that is believed to kill cancer cells.

Pamphlets showed food that is mostly being used as treatment such as Ayurvedic and TCM. The foods mentioned are not a cure for any ailment but it is believed that they can boost up health and go hand in hand with medicine.

Give 5 examples of foods that you consider to be powerful "medicines" for the body, and what they do.

Here are the five foods that have the strong medicinal power properties and their discription is also given below.

  • Tumeric :First of all their is tumeric that we use in our daily food.It contains the curcumin that has an anti inflammatory and antioxidant properties.It also has large advantages such helps to reduce inflammation and developing cognition also reduce the number of cardiac conditions and cancer.

  • Berries: it has a high phytochemical content include anthocyanins which have the antiocidant impact and assist to prevent cell damage on the other hand as well as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substance are also its part. It helps to slow the aging process amd also boost the power of our thinking skills.And one of the major benefit is improvement in the cardiovascular.


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  • Salmon: It is fatty fish normally reffed to as the fish containing omega-3 fatty acids
    It helps to assist the inflammation and also maintainance of healthy heart.
  • Garlic: Most enriched in allicin, a microbial combating and the body’s defense boosting element. it has also been considered that this food contains features of the capability of the regulation of blood pressure, cholesterolum, immunization of the body.

  • Leafy greens: Vitamin and mineral resources and a rich source of antioxidants, greens like Spinach and Kale are good for health, and reversible some effects of diet induced diseases. An example of this nutrient is vitamin K, which in a human body contributes to the proper functioning of bones.

Most of these foods can be consumed to maximum natural potential and assist several spheres of health.

How can we use food in our daily lives to keep healthy?

We can enhance the nutrition of our daily life by adding nutrients rich food such as fruit vegetables, whole grains , lean protein and good fats to maintain your health Go for the contrast of season and satisfaction of nutrients. Avoid Fast food ,Snack foods sweet and salty . Drink more water and have some different herbal tea.


Picture is taken from Freepik

Mindful eating is also an aspect that is really necessary to keep in mind. Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full.Where possible cook small portion sizes and avoid the cooking methods that are not helpful.

Adding yougart and fermented foods to maintain good bacteria in the gut is also a good step to healthy life or eating.And Finally be mindful to seek harmony and give your meals respect with every savoury aroma taste and texture they offer.

Do you think it's important for schools to teach about how food can be like medicine for our bodies? Why?

Yes of course I think the concept of medicinal value of food should be taught to students so that they can know more about nutrition and are able to control their diets.In this way they will be able to make decisions for their health and lowers the risk of disease such as obesity , diabetes and heart disease.Growing up knowing food is medicine that leads to the lifelong habits of health such as helps to grow mentally and physically.


Picture is taken from Freepik

It also support an appreciation of different food cultures and approaches to the sustainable food.When we put the education of nutrition with the information they need in their heads to live a healthier life this not only benefits the individual but also help the community and whole society as well.

I invite the @steemdoctor @sahar78 and @kouba01 to participate in this contest.

Thank you

Achievement 1

written by:@cryptoloover


 4 months ago 

Hola querido @ cryptoloover
Creo que los alimentos con los que mejor me siento cuando tengo dolor de estómago son los alimentos como el yogourt (que ayudan por ser probioticos.) y también la naranja y el limón que contienen mucha vitamina C

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 4 months ago 

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 4 months ago 

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Hi @cryptolover

Of course, juice is a good food, it has a great impact on human life, so we should teach these things to children in our schools, etc. from the beginning, which is the best for their health, because Nowadays most of the children are going to war food side so we should do something like that they will move towards healthy food natural food eat fruits eat natural vegetables to keep them healthy which is Their war is getting worse day by day due to eating food which causes a lot of diseases so we should do something new and attractive starting from our school as you said and They should be guided towards a good diet so that they eat it automatically and their body's basic rates are fulfilled and their body is strong and good because a good body will be strong and the child will be active. Studies can also be progressed.
Apart from children, if adults have a good food, then they can also be very active and pass their life exams well and be able to live their life in a better way.

Best regards