Steemit Engagement Challenge / S11W2 - “The worst enemy, sugar."

in Healthy Steem10 months ago

How much sugar do i consume a day?


What i do know is that i devour little amount of sugar which is mild and the significance and advantages of ingesting a moderate amount of sugar are essential because sugar is a sort of carbohydrate that offers our bodies energy. While immoderate sugar consumption may have terrible health outcomes, ingesting a mild amount of sugar can provide some benefits which i like to talk about as seen below why taking mild sugar is good for our body. It is a strength supply: Sugar, in the form of glucose, serves as a quick source of power for our body's cells and organs. It plays an essential position in fueling our muscular tissues and mind, which enhances physical and cognitive overall performance. It serves as a muscle restoration: After extreme exercise, consuming a small amount of sugar with protein can aid in muscle healing through replenishing glycogen stores and promoting muscle restoration.


Do you have a member of your family who's a diabetic patient?

Diabetes is a hard health circumstance for the ones that have it but none of my family members is having it either however what i do know is that dealing with blood sugar levels is essential for individuals with diabetes to preserve their health and well-being.

Have you had a problem with sugar(diabetic)?

I haven't and i don't experience any health issues now, but I am fully aware of the importance of moderation especially when it comes to sugar consumption. My intake is moderate.We must monitor the amount of sugar we consume in our daily diet and make informed choices to protect our health. Opting for healthier alternatives and reducing our reliance on sugary foods and drinks can have a positive impact on our overall well-being.Let's not forget that health📈📉 is wealth💸

What do you think concerning sugar as your worst enemy?

I really consider sugar as my worst enemy because when i consume excessive or too much amounts,it can affect me. High sugar intake is always associated with different health concerns such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart diseases, and dental problems. It is essential to be mindful of sugar consumption and opt for healthier alternatives whenever possible or see doctor personnel. A balanced and nutritious diet is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being😊.

 10 months ago 

Hello friend greetings to you.

Moderate amount of sugar is important, because it gives us carbohydrates. This is true but you should try to take carbohydrates from the natural food, like fruits and dairy products.

Best wishes for the contest.

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