in Healthy Steemlast year (edited)


Greetings Healthy Friends Of Steem
With all pleasure of mine, I do love to be contesting in this topic that entails us to talk about breast cancer. There was once a time this sickness was much prevalent in my country Nigeria and so today, I will be detailing you according to the contest hints given.

What Is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer develops in your breast tissue and it therefore occurs when the breast cells change and grows out uncontrollably thereby creating a crowd of tissue known as "tumor". Breast cancer is capable of invading and growing into the tissue that surrounds the breast. It can also spread to other parts of the body to form new tumors, and when this happens, it's known as metastasis.

Image drawn by me

One can sensitively identify the signs of breast cancer which include;
• A feeling of lump in your breast.
• The size of your breast changes (becomes bigger).
• The skin of your breast might begin to change both in appearance and color.

What Causes Breast Cancer?

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Breast cancer is mostly caused when the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that is present in the breast cells tend to grow or change, thereby causing disruption in certain functions that is in charge of division and cell growth. In most cases, these grown or mutated cells are being attacked by the immune system. But some cells would rather escape the immune system and grow unintended, forming a tumor in the breast.

What Can You Say About The 4 Stages Of Cancer?

The four general stages for most cancers include the following;

Stage A: Before cancer is developed, it is present and found in one area. This stage can be tagged the early-stage cancer.

Stage B:In this further stage B, the cancer has become larger and spread to the nearby lymph nodes or tissues.

Stage C: This stage tend to be similar to stage B, but then the cancer is way more larger than stage B and has fester to nearby tissues, although it hasn't spread to other organs of the body.

Stage D: Lastly, the Cancer has spread to various parts of the body. This fourth stage of cancer is called advanced cancer.

How Can Breast Cancer Be Treated?

Breast cancer has several treatment ways. It solemnly depends on the kind of breast cancer and for how long it has spread. The people with breast cancer usually get enough treatment. Here below are some ways Breast Cancer can be treated.

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  • Through Surgery: This process is carried out by doctor whereby they operate and cut out the cancer.

  • Using Chemotherapy: Making use of medicines to shrink the cancer cells can be of help. This drug can be taken using pills or medicines injected in your veins, or sometimes the both are needed.

  • The Use Of Hormonal therapy: This particular medicine obstruct cancer cells from gathering the hormones they need to grow.

  • Biological therapy:This biological therapy collides with your body's immune system to help in fighting cancer cells.

  • Going For Radiation therapy: The use of high-energy rays which is similar to x-rays can be used to kill the cancer cells.

Some Doctors from different specialties usually work together to treat breast cancer.

What Are The Possible Ways To Prevent Breast Cancer?

There are some factors that can't be changed, for instance, family history or gene. But then you can help to lower the risk involved in breast cancer by doing the following;

• Try to keep a healthy weight.

• Learn to be physically active.

• A family with the history of breast cancer inherited changes in their BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, you will just have to talk to your doctor about some other ways to lower your risk.

• You can suspend drinking alcohol, or take it moderately.

• Breastfeed your children, if possible.


I will conclude with telling our ladies to always check their breast against loops, by laying on the bed and pressing round the breast to ensure that no loops has clusters inside. With my fully detailed explanations on this topic. I believe to have done justice to every asked questions.

I appreciate everyone for reading my blog post today. Thank you very much.

I like to invite @bossj23 @josepha and @goodybest to join this Contest.


 last year 

Hola amiga, está enfermedad deja huellas dolorosas a su paso, éxitos

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