Health Matters; (Family planning)

in Healthy Steem7 days ago

Family planning is no doubt a good way of controlling population and a perfect way of determing the number of children you wish to have. This is a process with can help the females to be stable in health and economical matters concerning the growth of the society.


Family planning can also be seen as a means of limiting pregnancies either by natural or artificial means through technology.

What is Family planning, and what are the benefits of family planning for individuals and society?
Meaning of family planning

Family planing can be referred as the process of controlling the number of children to give birth to and also the gender you wish to have and also, at what time in life you wish wish to give birth to these children.

Family planning is mainly about the kind of kids, number and sex of children you wish to give birth to the most.

Benefits of family planing
  1. Family planing helps parents to control the amount of children they wish to have in other to suit they financial situation.

  2. Family planning helps you to have the gender of children you want on time, if you have marital issues or health challenges like bleeding during child birth.

  3. Family planning helps to control population growth in the society by reducing the number of children a family should have through the various family planing method.

  4. Family planning is a way in which the young women can gain more access to educational and economic opportunities in the society.

  5. The well-being of most mothers are been improved through the process of family planning it keeps the mother healthy before her next child birth.

  6. Family planning promotes economic stability in the sense that the foods and resources available in the country can be managed and sufficient for the present generation.

How does family planning contribute to sustainable development and environmental conservation?


Family planning can slow the high rate of the ever increasing population in the world and nations. Avoiding unwanted child birth with family planning can guarantee couples and individuals the right to good reproductive health.

Determing the kind and amount of children to have will help us to reduce the rate of criminal activities because having too much kids may hinder you from having time to train them well.

Most countries are poor and rapid increase in population isn't good for them, this is where family planning helps the to determine the amount of population that will increase per annum.

What are the different methods of family planning available, and how do they work?

Family planning is an act which possess several methods which are.

  1. Taking pills: The functions of pills during family planning is to stop the process of ovulation in women. Stoping ovulation means that they will not be any egg present for the male gamete (sperm) to fertilize, in this case pregnancy can't take place. It also blocks the sperm from swimming to where the eggs are located.


  1. Implant method: Implant method is a situation where a tube slowly releases a low level of the hormone progestin in other to avoid ovulation (production of eggs during monthly cycle). If they is no ovulation they will be no pregnancy which is why it's one of the methods of preventing pregnancies in family planning.

  2. Condoms: condoms in family planning servers as a way of preventing the sperm from penetrating to the eggs, it's is a barrier/bridge between the sperm and the eggs they by preventing pregnancies even if the couples have sexual intercourse.

  3. Patches: The patches process is method of preventing pregnancies through the combination of the hormones progesterone and estrogen in the patch the prevent ovulation.

  4. Virginal rings: Virginal rings is a family planning way of controlling pregnancies because it stops the ovaries from releasing an egg each month, it also thinkens the fluid on the cervix by preventing sperm for entering.

What are the economic implications of family planning on households and communities?


Family planning can help couples to accurately budget their resources and to make sure they children needs are met. Family planing is means by which the family members can be able to groom they children with good morals by not having too much kids.

It a process which gives the parents the ability to safe for the future through having the number of children they know that they can raise. Allowing women to engage in family planning will assist them 😉 to properly meet their choice of family size, prevent unwanted pregnancies and give space over the reproductive years.

I know make my conclusion with the invite of @aspiya, @ahmneska, @sampabiswas, @isha.ish and @pea07 to participate in this contest.

Thanks for reading my post

 3 days ago 

A lot of benefits from family planning as stated by you. I enjoy reading your write up. Most importantly, it helps prevent unwanted pregnancy as it helps mothers conceives independently at the right time. Thanks for sharing.

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