"The Diary Game (23) - My day with my four footed friend/friends 🙂" | My Purring Pet

in Healthy Steem4 months ago

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Cats are known for their grace, independence and affection. They are charming creatures and unique personalities that can range from playful and curious to lazy and reserved. As a cat owner, I can personally attest to these qualities, as my pet embodies them all. My cat loves to strut around our house. The silver fur attracts attention wherever it goes. The eyes are bright golden, full of intelligence and curiosity that often make me wonder what goes through my pet's mind.

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Food is another area where the cat shows its preferences. She is quite picky about her diet and won't touch food that doesn't meet her standards. From time to time, she will even refuse her already favorite treats if she thinks they are not fresh or high quality enough. This demandingness can be frustrating at times, but it also serves as a reminder of how important proper nutrition and health care are for our pets.

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In addition to her love of comfort and fine cuisine, my cat is known for her independent nature. She is perfectly content to be alone and does not require constant attention or interaction. However, that doesn't mean she doesn't appreciate my company when I choose to spend time with her. At such times she is gentle and affectionate, rubbing her cheek against my hand or purring loudly as I stroke her silky fur.

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Despite her regal appearance, my cat is far from active or energetic. Instead, she prefers to spend her days lazing around the house, choosing the most comfortable places to nap. Her favorite place to rest is undoubtedly by the window where she can watch the birds and other creatures pass by outside. Seeing my cat curled up in a ball on the windowsill, tail wrapped around her, is a sight I never tire of.

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In conclusion, my gray cat is a delightful companion who embodies the essence of feline nature. Her beauty, laziness and pickiness about food and company are part of what makes her so unique and charming. As I continue to share my life with this wonderful cat, I am grateful for the unconditional love and companionship she gives me.

If you also want to tell about your four-legged friend, you can enter the contest by visiting this link:
Organized by @aaliarubab
Supported by Healthy Steem Team
@dexsyluz, @suboohi
@sahmie, @edgargonzalez and @mesola

Photos taken with my phone Samsung Galaxy S24

I want to invite @javima @zulfrontado @naylet


 4 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


My dear cat are always lazy,I remember when my granny was training one ,I hate cat with passion.

What a beautiful post my friend about your friend , he is very beautiful looks like a beautiful stuffed animal.
Thank you for the invitation.

 4 months ago 

Yo tengo 7 gatos, ahora 6, gracias por la invitación, ha sido un placer leer sobre tu gata, es preciosa.

Y si, he notado como algunos no son tan expresivos como otros. Mi gato Misu, el mayor de todos, si lo abrazo me aleja con la pata, en cambio, Oso, uno de los pequeños se queda quieto ronroneando. Los amo a ambos igual.

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