SEC-S16 / W3 |"Your personal Care Products"🧴🧼🪒

in Healthy Steem3 months ago

Steem greetings from the motherland-Cameroon to all friends in the healthy steem community. It is week 3 of the season 16 engagement challenge and I am glad to share ideas with regard to the topic “Your Personal Care Products”. I will follow the guiding questions below👇👇.

My image edited on Canva.

What is your daily routine when you wake up, what products do you use and what function does each of them fulfil?

We used different products based on our skin types and for a particular purpose. There are times also when the season we live in requires us to change the products we use.

My morning routine also depends on the different types of activities I engage in. On weekends, I have enough time to properly take care of my skin. I start the morning by cleaning my face using Palmers Skin Success. It is a cleanser which is good for cleaning pores and also helps to prevent acne.


After cleaning my face, I brush my teeth, though I brush each time I eat. I use Longrich toothpaste and at times I also use Colgate toothpaste. Longrich toothpaste is good for healthy teeth and gums.


Then I take my bath using my sivoderm exfoliating soup. This helps to exfoliate my skin and open my pores and my skin absorbs body lotion well. The Sivoderm soap is good for both the face and the body.


I apply my face cream which is different from my body cream. It helps prevent acne and treats pimples.


After bathing, I apply my body lotion which is beauty fair. Then I spray my anti pesperiant to protect my underarm to remain fresh and healthy.



On days that I needed to wash my hair, I used Mega Growth shampoo and anti hair breakage conditioner. Sometimes I go with dark and lovely shampoo and anti-hair breakage conditioner.



At times I used my hair removal for my underarm. It helps clean the hair on my underarms and keeps it healthy especially as it contains aloe vera.


In a nutshell, I used a lot of products on my skin during weekends, especially after moving under harsh sun and a stressful work week.

Do you consider that you take care of your personal hygiene? justify your answer.

From my ideas above, it is evident that I do take care of my personal hygiene well. However, I mostly do this only on weekends when I have the time.

During workdays, I hardly have time to take proper care of my personal hygiene. My work schedule is overloaded within the week in a way that I do not have time to properly take care of my skin.

What is the cost of Steem of your hygiene products and how long will it take approximately to replenish them?

Most often I buy these products after a month but at times I buy in bulk some last even for a year. For instance, the even and lovely face cream I order online.

Even and lovely face cream1=2500*649
Beauty Fair1000040
Shampoo and Conditioner450018
Hair remover350014
Longrich toothpaste400016

Do you think that to maintain good hygiene and/or appearance you need to spend a lot of money?

Of course, taking proper care of your hygiene requires lots of money to keep your body good.

However, there are some local remedies one can use to maintain body hygiene which our grandparents used in the past. Notwithstanding, nowadays it is difficult to come across some of those natural products with present-day high use of chemicals which damage those natural products.

I have come to the end of my presentation and I am inviting @saxopedia, @majerius and @fombae to share their entries to the contest.


Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
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 3 months ago 

Greetings friend,
We can enjoy a healthy life by taking care of ourselves. Taking care of yourself and keeping yourself healthy is very important.
You start your day care by misting and brushing your face. These practical product ingredients ensure the protection of our skin and body. Very good about human hygiene and personality. Self-care boosts our self-confidence. Good luck to you.

 3 months ago 

As you said “… self-care boosts our self-confidence”. I appreciate your engagement on my post.

 3 months ago 

Estimada amiga ciertamente en ocasiones debemos cambiar de productos en mi caso lo hago con los desodorantes ya que en ocasiones dejan de ser eficaz y debemos alternarlos

 3 months ago 

Exactly, there are times when you buy a certain product and after 2 to 3 days of use and realise it not a perfect product for your skin, I switched immediately.

 3 months ago 

From my ideas above, it is evident that I do take care of my personal hygiene well. However, I mostly do this only on weekends when I have the time.

I totally get it! Weekdays can be super busy, leaving little time for personal care. I've found that weekends are like my self-care days too, where I can give my skin the extra attention it deserves. It's all about finding that balance, right? However , there is no compromise on basic daily activities.

Most often I buy these products after a month but at times I buy in bulk some last even for a year.

Yeah, managing the budget for hygiene stuff is tricky sometimes. I've had months where I splurge a bit on essentials, but then I also try to stock up on things that last longer. It's like a little game of balancing what I need now versus what can wait.

Of course, taking proper care of your hygiene requires lots of money to keep your body good."

Absolutely! Hygiene is important, but it doesn't have to break the bank. I've discovered some cheaper options and even some DIY remedies that work wonders. It's all about finding what works for you without emptying your wallet.

All the best

 3 months ago 

The best way to minimize the cost is to buy in bulk. Buying in bulk, marketers sell at wholesale price but when you buy from retailers, the price is costly.

Weekends are a perfect time for the working class to effectively take care of their skin.

You are right, one must not break the bank to take care of their body, especially when there are free natural products. However, I have tried all, and unfortunately, most of the natural products don't work for me.

Thank you for engaging.

 3 months ago 

I hope you are well. I saw your post. I like your post very much and the things you use are very nice to me and I hope these things work for you. will be beneficial and you have explained it very well I would like to say that we should use good things to avoid getting sick and we should avoid dirty things we should have good diet And we should pay attention to our fitness so that we avoid disease and stay fit

 3 months ago 

In all, a good diet contributes a lot to a perfect skin. Therefore you are right to say we should have a good diet. Thank you for your support.

 3 months ago 

Hello, several of the products you show are very necessary, you take good care of your body.

What you say is very true, nowadays, it is difficult to get some products that are completely natural, which has caused some people to prepare their own skin creams or face masks, either with Aloe vera or other natural products.

Greetings and much success in the Challenge.

 3 months ago 

I wish I knew how to use Alovera to produce my own facemask or cream. If you know the process please do not hesitate to share. Thank you for engaging.


Very nice to read your products very good products you have shared in your post and we should use good products to maintain our health.good luck dear for the contest.

 3 months ago 

Also, note that good products nowadays are very costly…hehehehe.

I hope you are well, I read your post and you said very good things in it and these things will be good for you.

 3 months ago 

Thank you for dropping by and I am well my dear.

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