"Nature and My Wellbeing" @bonaventure24

in Healthy Steem15 days ago (edited)

Health is wealth, and as such, we should learn to keep our environment clean so we can enjoy the gift of nature and our overall well-being.
Nature are naturally created by God, and they are always the best because it has no side effects, unlike the artificial things that are in the world today.
When we stay healthy, we will enjoy our overall well-being, and our minds will be at peace.
Thanks to @oneray for organising this wonderful contest.

Do you have any secrets for staying calm in stressful times?

After going through a lot of stress

Stress and anxiety are the normal things that we face in our eveey day life because we all need to work to survive especially during this bad economy that we are facing in our country that is always stressing me a lot.

My everyday life is always stressful due to the nature of my work, but I always try to stay calm because I know that one day I will be successful.

Some of my secret way of overcoming stress and anxiety:


Meditation: This has become my daily rituals because it helps menin reducing stress and anxiety from my body, when practicing meditation I feel like I am in a different world and all my worries will be gone at that moment as I will only be focusing on my journey to become successful which will end up motivating me and make my anxiety to disappear.

Listening to music: This is another secret way of erasing my anxiety because music revives my soul and it doesn't need permission before doing that, whenever I am stressed out i will quickly connect my ear buds to my phone ans start listening to joyful songs that gives melody and rhythm to my overall body and that moment all my anxiety will vanish.
I just can't imagine a life without music. Listening to music plays a huge role in reducing stress and anxiety, and I urge you to try it and see.

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Playing video games: I love playing video games and whenever I coke back from the football field very tired and stressed out I will just take a shower and carry my mobile phone to enjoy myself playing different video games that are available, especially football related games this is another secret that I use in staying calm during my stressful period.

Praying: God is the greatest and also the one who can do all things, sometimes the stressful we feel are spiritual, so I try to seek God intervention whenever I am stressed out from work.
When praying and reading my bible, I feel refreshed and motivated because I believe everything will be alright as God has assuredly us, and his time is definitely the best.

Do you know a delicious and healthy recipe that we should all try?


The delicious recipe that I always try whenever I am feeling stress and anxiety is fried rice and chicken mixed with mayonnaise sauce, whenever I eat this delicious and healthy recipe I feel as if i am in heaven because it light up my world.
Also, as a lover of fruits, I always eat watermelon and other fruits mixed with milk it is very delicious, and when you eat it, you will be hungry for more.

I am using this opportunity to invite @josepha, @simonnwigwe, @pandora2010 and @ashley-p to join me and participate in this wonderful contest

 14 days ago 

Hola @buenaventura24 La situacion económica de un país y por ende de las personas siempre afecta pero para ello debemos aprender a confiar en Dios que es nuestro proveedor, el nunca nos dejará nuestra confianza siempre debe estar puesta en él y tener fé que todo pasara. Si permitimos que nuestros problemas financieros nos abrumen nos enfermamos y una de las formas de enfrentarlo es como dices tu con tranquilidad y orando a Dios. Aprovecha esos momentos de disfrutar con la naturaleza y veras que traerás grandes beneficios para tu vida. Saludos y bendiciones para ti y tu familia.

De hecho, Dios es nuestro creador y seguramente nos verá a través de mi hermano 🙏 Muchas gracias por el maravilloso comentario, realmente lo aprecio 😊 😀

 13 days ago 

Meditation and praying are the one which reliefs the stress. Economical strain is the main reason in many countries, the government is not taking good measures but making there own money, here in my country it the same situation; our all departments are indulge in corruption and it have affected our country very badly

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