Contest: Food is medicine.

in Healthy Steem2 months ago



Welcome to my blog and I am happy to share with you on: Food is a medicine. This is my first time in this community, this community is concerned with the healthy state of our body and this contest topic captures my heart, I want to also give my contribution to the topic. This topic explains the survival of a man in this planet earth. A man cannot live without food, food is among the sustainance of life.

✅Do you think the foods we eat have medicinal value?

Food is a medicine on its own, have you ever realised how one looks when he or she feels hungry, the last I checked a man is surving because of the food he consumes, I have heard of that syaing that says, water is life which means that water alone is one of the sources of life and water is also food because food is anything we eat or drink.

There was a time I started having headaches, I never knew hunger causes headache until that very day, I couldn't eat because I was so busy in the house with chores, I wished to finish the whole work before I look for something to eat and I realised that I was becoming warm and having headache. But when I left the work and got something to eat, I regained myself and that headache stopped immediately.

✅Give 5 examples of foods that you consider powerful “medicines” for the body and what they do?



Fruits are very good to the body system, I count it as a medicine because they serve as medicine too that quickens digestion of the food eaten.



Milk is also count as a medicine because when a person is sick, milk is always recommended to help build the body of the patient.



Meats are body building foods, it makes our body grow and it serve as a high content that makes our foods balanced.



Bitter leaf is a very bitter leaf, not everyone like the leaves but it is very good for the body. It does good to the body system by washing out dirts in the stomach or body system entirely.



Vegetables leaves such as uggu leaf and spinach increases the level of blood in the body and it is recommended for people who has lossed blood at a process of may be child birth or blood donation.

✅How can we use food in our daily lives to stay healthy?

Balanced diet meals should be consumed every day because it helps the body system to grow beautifully in every ramifications. We have six classes of food and to make our food rich and balanced, we must attain to use atleast five of the classes of food to make the food a balanced meal.

Some people don't have money to have a balanced meal but I tell you the truth, use vegetables, it is very rich in the absence of other classes of food because it is a good medine to the body.

✅Do you think it is important for schools to teach how food can be like medicine for our body? Because?

Very important. In Nigeria schools there are subjects that has to do with good healthy living like PHE which means physical and health education, Foods and Nutrition which has to do with the foods we eat and their nutritional value.

Right from my primary 3 I was taught on the classes of food and I know them off hand through that teaching from school, I can now go to the market and know the difference between body building food and energy giving foods.

Thank you @sahmie for the contest.

My invites


 2 months ago 

Hola @ashley-p la comida es un gran bienestar para nuestra salud, un placer de comer para mantenerse fuerte y sano, la salud depende de la comida ya que son nutrientes esenciales.

Gracias por la invitación.

Te deseo mucha suerte y bendiciones 💕

Food is very important and makes use strong to achieve tasks ahead of us. I wish you blessings too and best of luck.

 2 months ago 

Educating kids with benefits of things is a learning for them other than their curriculum, every student should be taught about benefits of food. Meat and milk are major food which helps the body to grow and fulfill major energy gap. It contains many antioxidant and antibacterial components which helps the body against inflammation and infections.

You are right, I have learnt alot from your comment, Goodluck to you.

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