Steemit Engagement Challeng - S13/W3 | "Bare Feet 🐾

in Healthy Steem9 months ago


Edited by shamie

Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well and enjoying life with the blessings of Allah Almighty. I am happy to take part in the exciting challenge hosted by Healthy Steem contest Steemit Engagement Challeng -S13/W3 | "Bare Feet 🐾" So, without any further delay, let's dive right in!


Do you like walking barefoot? Explain your reasons.

It's not really my style to go barefoot. It dates all the way back to when I first time started wearing shoes in my early years. My feet have always felt as though they are shielded by them, kept secure and cozy.

I really can not get over how comfortable shoes feel, and they also provide additional support. I've remained with them for years because they're like having a small home for your feet wherever you go.

How important is taking care of your feet?

Taking care of your feet is super important. Your feet can be compared to the base of your body. They put in a lot of effort all day long and carry you anywhere you like to go. It is only right that we show them some affection.

You should wear well-fitting, comfy shoes, keep them clean, and clip your toenails. Remember to occasionally give them a little massage—it feels wonderful! It's also a good idea to visit a podiatrist or doctor if you detect any issues or pain so they can assist you maintain healthy feet.

What do you think of the saying “Don't walk barefoot, parasites can get in”?

Well, that saying about not walking barefoot because of parasites makes sense. You see, leaving your shoes on exposes your feet to a variety of ground contaminants. Certain microscopic organisms, such as parasites or worms, can infiltrate your skin & cause issues.

Therefore, it's a pretty good idea to exercise caution and wear shoes, particularly in areas where the cleanliness of the ground is unknown. It's just a small precaution to maintain the health and absence of parasites on your foot.


What do you think of a world without shoes?

Consider a world without footwear. Although that seems intriguing, it may be quite difficult. Shoes shield our feet from a variety of hazards, including severe weather, sharp objects, and uneven surfaces. Walking in the absence of shoes can be painful and increase the risk of foot injuries.

To prevent filth and germs, we would also need to practice more caution when it came to cleaning in a world without shoes. Even if there are moments when it could be enjoyable to feel the ground beneath our feet, shoes are like our reliable friends that help us stay secure and comfortable when we travel.

I am Inviting @faran-nabeel and @sahidalinaaz to take part in this contest.

With Best Regards


Goodbye, friends. It's been a pleasure getting to know you all participating in this community. I will miss interacting with all of you, but it is time for me to move on. Take care & I hope to see you all again very soon , Best of Luck .

As the sun sets on the day
And the night falls softly in
We close this chapter, dear reader
But the story's not yet done
Tomorrow's pages wait, unwritten

 9 months ago 

It's interesting to know that you're not a fan of walking barefoot. Majority say it's the lifestyle of the poor but it's far beyond that. Walking barefoot has this ability of making one free from the shoe cage and also give that person inner peace and comfortable especially when in your home. It's also good to wear shoes to protect ourselves from diseases especially in environment that are unhealthy. We were used to playing without any cover on our feet and grew up with it. Your post is quite detailed. Looking forward to reading more of your posts and best regards in this challenge.

 9 months ago 

Walking bare-footed isn't advisable outdoors as there's higher possibilities that we might step on sharp objects like broken bottles and nails.

Am glad that shoes came into existence because it has really benefited humans as shoes made us to avoid getting out foot injured and it keeps the foot warm.

I wish you good luck in this contest sir, hope your day went well. 👍


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