"Drinks that can help us maintain a healthy bone"

in Healthy Steem9 months ago

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Bone weakness or pains is now common around the world. You'll even see that most teenagers do experience bone pains, despite their young age.
I do have bone pains back then, and there's this home-made drink I've been taking to make my bone strong again. What i take into my body system for bone strength may differ from yours. Here are the remedies /drinks i used when i had a weak bone.

Mention the any home made drinks you have been taking to maintain a healthy bone.
  • Strawberries
  • Egg shell
  • Milk


Strawberries are very rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, and this effectively work on bone strength. My grandmother always make strawberry juice for me to take morning and night for my bone pains. After some months i start seeing it's effect.


Egg shell
You may be surprised hearing that egg shell is a good remedy for bone pains or weakness. For it to work effectively, you have to grind the egg shell, pour some water into it, and take it morning and evening. After some weeks or just a month, you'll see the big difference.


Milk is very good for the bones, because it contains calcium. During my bone pains, i enjoyed the pains and the sweetness of the milk, lol. I didn't know that Milk works perfectly for bone pains, until i tried it, it's good. Even now that I'm no longer feeling the pains, i still take milk to make my bone strong.

Have you ever experienced any bone problem, if any we will love to know.

Yes, I've experienced bone problem, that was when i was 11. I had that bone problem when i was playing football with my friends.


I was about to strike the ball using my foot, so my opponent crossed his legs to contest the ball, he pushed me so badly and i fell, that was when i start experiencing bone problem. But with the help of my grandma and my parents, my bone is now fixed and strong.

what causes bone pains
  • Stress
  • Lack of exercise
  • Drinking of cold water


They are so many people who work 24/7 from morning till night without proper sleep. Stressing ourselves this way without rest, will surely cause bone pains.


Lack of exercise
Without exercising regularly, you'll always feel some pains in your bones, that's why it's very good to exercise atleast during weekends. If you notice, big men now around that 50 years do come to field for some exercise. Why? Because the exercise will help strengthen their bones.


Drinking cold water
People nowadays are use to drinking of cold water, which is not good for the bone. It's not bad to drink cold water especially when you're tasty of it, but taking it regularly is where the problem is, so we should avoid this to help our bones.

In conclusion
Bone pains can surely affect our financial life, because when we feel such pains, it'll be difficult to do any task, that's why it's advisable to visit the doctor when we feel such pains.

I thank @mesola for organizing this great and learnable contest. I also thank my fellow steemians for going through my post, i love you all.

I gladly invite @bossj23 @usoro01 @emmy01 to participate in this contest, and also share their home-made drinks for bone strength.


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 9 months ago 

Well explained.Great post you have shared the drinks that can help us maintain a healthy bone.

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