"The Diary Game (27) - My day with my four footed friends 🙂" | Visiting Dairy Farm

in Healthy Steem2 months ago

Hello Guys!

Peace be upon you, I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their lives. First, I want to thank the contest organizer @aaliarubab for allowing us to explain our four-footed friend here.

We use our home milk which we drink at home, we bring it from our uncle's house. Because my uncles have enough buffaloes, we take milk from them. So today I got up early and thought why not visit the dairy farm there? Because there are a lot of buffaloes there and I want to see how they work there.

As soon as I reached the dairy farm, I saw that they had locked the door because they were milking the buffaloes, that's why they closed the door from outside because the buffaloes get scared when any other person comes in. Due to this, there are fears of milk falling.

They heard my voice and opened the door and I went inside. The first thing I saw when I went inside was that the big buffaloes were on one side and the smaller buffaloes were on the other side. And my cousins were milking.

It was early in the morning, the sun was rising and pigeons were also flying there. Which presented a beautiful scene and at the same time my cousins were milking the buffaloes.

One thing I have noticed is that these people separate the buffalo whose milk is lime. Because milk cannot be milked sitting with other buffaloes, because they hit each other, due to which the milk may fall, therefore, the buffalo whose milk is milked is tied separately and its milk is poured there.

The rest of the buffaloes have a pot made in front of them in which their fodder is put. The fodder is mixed with dry and green fodder so that it becomes more fodder. Sometimes we get less green fodder, due to which they add less green fodder, and along with it, we have to add dry stuff and mix dry and green and then feed the buffalo. With which his stomach is filled and later they drink water. A separate water pot is made from which each buffalo comes and drinks water.

The big buffaloes are tied outside and the little buffaloes who are the babies of these big buffaloes are tied inside under the shed and all are fed separately and all are very happy in their place.

Standing there like this, I photographed for a while. After taking photographs, my cousins also drank buffalo milk. Then they picked up the bucket of milk and left for home. I also went with them to the house because there was mold in the house so we poured milk and measured it. There is a container of one kilo, which is filled with milk as many kilos as needed. So I went home and from home, I got that milk from my aunt and brought it home.

This is how I spent today's religion with these buffaloes who have become my friends. I hope you guys like this post. Thank you all for stopping by. See you in a new post till then I ask your permission Allah Hafiz.



Regards: @ahsansharif

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