Steemit Engagement Challenge / S11W2 - “The worst enemy, sugar."

in Healthy Steem10 months ago
Assalam O Alaikum

Hello Steemians! Warm welcome to my post. Hopefully saying that you will be doing well. I'm also fine and enjoying my day. Today I'm here to participate in this Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 11 week 2 in the Healthy Steem community. The topic of this challenge is “The worst enemy, sugar." So let's start without any more delay of time.



Do You know how much sugar do you consume per day?

Actually the sugar is a soluble carbohydrates which is used in different foods as a sweet taste. Everyday we eat a different types of food which takes a lot of sugar and mostly we are unaware about that how much sugar we are consuming daily. Sometimes we don't try to find that how much sugar is in that food which we are eating daily until it cause many problems for us and for our body. The people who keep balance in their diets and eat food according to their diet plan always stay healthy and happy.



On the other hand the who have only concern with eating and they never eat according to any diet plan and consume a high level of sugar and substance then they fall ill. To be honest I don't like sugar you can't believe that I take tea and the food which contains sugar very rarely. I don't drink any Cold Drinks on daily basis. More ever it is also very rare that I eat biscuits, Sweets and all other things which contains sugar. I also drink milk without sugar. So overall I don't consume sugar on daily basis thus my consumption of sugar in very low.

Do You have a family member who has problems with diabetes?

Yes some of my family members are suffering from diabetes and that disease has become a genetic disease for us. 3 to 4 Years before my grandfather and one of my uncle was died due to diabetes and currently two of my other uncles are suffering in that nasty disease. One of my uncle's daughter Is also a diabetic patient and she is just 20. She got that disease when when she was about 8 years old.



I think very bad whenever I see them and their difficult lives. Whenever they injured their wounds take a lot of time to heal. They are all taking all the preventive measures to keep themselves healthy and fit. My uncles are using the tablets to maintain their sugar level and my cousin is using insulin to maintain her sugar level in the body. I think that the cousin marriage should be ban in my family to stop the spread of that nasty disease for coming generation. May Allah protect all of us from diabetes. (Aammeen)

Have You had a problem with sugar?

To be honest I have no any problem with sugar but I don't like it and always try to avoid that and its consumption. I never felt any changing in my body whenever I consume sugar but sometimes I have witnessed a frequently ocurance of urination but I have shared that issue with a doctor and also examined my body with different medical tests. But all the reports are clear and im Healthy and fine. The doctor Said that the ocurance of frequent urination is naturally and there is no any role of sugar in that case.

What Do you think about the sugar as the worst enemy?

Yes it totally correct the sugar is a worst enemy of our health and it can destroy our health very badly. As you can see the diabetes occur when our body becomes unable to regulate the sugar level and this is due to the high consumption of sugar. In this case the pancreas of our body becomes unable to produce enough insulin to maintain the sugar level of our body. Thus one of the causes of diabetes is high consumption of sugar.

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According to me the sugar is a silent killer which kills our body organs and later kills us. This is because the obesity, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease and liver disease all can be spread in our body due to the high consumption of sugar. The Long term and excessive use of sugar can cause hearth failure and eventually results in death. More ever the high consumption of sugar can also increase our cholesterol levels and cause many disease.

One of my friends was a great lover of Cold Drinks you can't believe he consume cold drinks whenever he felt thirsty and quench his thirst with the Cold Drinks. And now the situation is that he suffering from kidney stones and he stones in his both kidneys and cold drinks and consuming a high level and sugar was the main cause of that kidney stones. So considering the sugar as a worst enemy can never be wrong.


The health is one of greatest blessings to Allah Almighty and when we are healthy our minds health and we can perform any activity. On the other hand whenever we fall ill we become unable to do such activities. Overall the health is a great wealth and try to take care of your health just like you take care of your wealth. So try to maintain your eating routine and use less sugar contained food and stay healthy and blessed.

So friends that was my entry about that challenge and I hope that you will like it. Now I want to invite my friends @aaliarubab, @suboohi, @mdkamran, @artist1111 and @malikusman1 to take a part in the amazing contest.

Writer @abdullahw2

Green Elegant Best Friend Happy graduation Congratulations Card.gif

Thanks All

 10 months ago 
 10 months ago 

Aun cando no tiene usted ningún problema con el azúcar, es muy sensato que se dedique a cuidarse de ella, ya que, como dice en esta publicación, tiene familiares que por herencia han enfermado de diabetes. Está consciente de que la gran mayoría de los alimentos procesados contienen un alto índice de azúcar, por lo tanto, ha decidido no consumirlos consuetudinariamente por el bien de su salud... Éxitos, amigo. Saludos.

 10 months ago 

Yes you are right some of my relatives are sugar lovers and their consumption of sugar is high but I don't like it 🤢.. thanks a lot of your precious comment ☺️
Stay blessed 😇

 10 months ago 

Hello friend greetings to you. Hope you are doing well and good.

Sugar is a killer, which kills our internal organs and then finish us. This is very true my dear. The artificial sugar is to much harmful. Fruits, dairy products and these things are okay. It has no problem in it.

Best wishes for the contest.

 10 months ago 

Yes I'm agree with your saying 😀
Thanks a lot for lovely comment 😊

 10 months ago 

Yeah we should take care of our health by ourselves

 10 months ago 

Yes you are right 👍
Thanks for commenting 😀

 10 months ago 

Saya setuju bahwa kesehatan merupakan rahmat dari Allah swt kepada kita umat manusia. Maka sepatutnya bagi kita untuk bersyukur dan menjaga kesehatan. Saya pikir gula juga merupakan nikmat dari Allah swt, namun kita harus menggunakannya dengan cara bijak, karena sesuatu yang berlebihan efeknya tidak akan baik 😊
Salam sukses saudara ku..

 10 months ago 

Thank you so much brother for visiting my post and leaving a beautiful 😍. I'm very greatful to you 🤗 stay safe 💓

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